What's Going On!?!?!?!?

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
We get our fair share of telemarketing calls even though we register on the do not call list. If I don't recognize the number or if it's "unavailable", "Private" or from an area code I don't know, I hang up. My favorite is when the caller ID says I'm calling.

Today the phone has not stopped ringing. One after the other. I've gotten about ten times as many calls today. Did something change on June 1st???
Same here. I get about a dozen calls every day at my place of business. If I hear a recorded message I immediately hang up. If the person on the line asks if the owner is in I immediately hang up without saying a word.
We are daily offered a free cruise to the Bahamas, a free hearing screening, invitations to political meetings, and a whole lot of other things. I now consider my land line my spam line. We're also on the Do Not Call list, yet they still call.

They are still sending stuff that shows up as if it was from DH's phone, in his name.
I've gotten- was going to say 5.Just checked.Make that 7 restricted #'s on my cell phone.

This had been going on since 10am.BZZZZZ... :ohmy:
Give it up Restricted caller.I'm not home.:ohmy:
That would be infuriating. My aunt and uncle are visiting from NoCal and we were just talking about that. They get calls from "Rachel from cardmember services" :bash:, along with the political orgs, etc. They're on the DNC registry. I am too, and I almost never get those calls. (I hope I'm not jinxing anything.) My landline rings maybe once every 2 or 3 months, and 99% of the time it's a genuine wrong number.

I did get a call on my cell phone a couple of months ago, letting me know I won a free cruise. :rolleyes:
My "favorite" is the recorded enthusiastic female voice saying, "Congratulations!". That's as far as she gets. I hang up. I have no idea what the offers are as I rarely even answer. I press 'talk' then 'off'. If the phone is in a cradle, I just lift it up then re-seat it.

On the rare occasion when I answer and get a live person, I determine if they have legitimate business, and if they don't I just hang up.
I have not noticed an increase in annoying calls.

I can't figure out why these same pitiful scammers continue to call me week after week, don't they get it!

When I get a real person I tell them to forget the telephone scams and get on the internet that is where the real money is! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:
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I love playing with them. I let them go on and on with their spiel. Sometimes I will even put the phone down and walk away. When I come back they are still talking. Sometimes I sound like I am interested. Then I slam the phone down. Or sometimes I will bring the phone into the bathroom and flush the toilet.

But the one that get me is Comcast. I have Comcast. I have no choice but to have Comcast. Thanks to Meninno. No matter what, I have to have Comcast. I have it for the internet and for the TV. I do not have a land line. I don't want one. So why do I want any more services from them. I don't want a land line. Not even at their reduced price for the package. And that will go up after twelve months. They get enough of my money as it is. I don't even own a land line phone. I would have to go and buy one first. Them I yell at them. I don't give them a chance to give me their sell. I don't want to hear it. I let them know they are using up my minutes on my phone. I can just hear them after I hang up.

"Don't ever give me this customer again! She is a crazed person."
I got rid of my land line ages ago. I just have a cell phone. Everybody I know who calls me has a name in my system. I don't answer any calls with just a number display, regardless of the area code, and I certainly don't answer any calls that say UNKNOWN or BLOCKED. I let them all go to voicemail. My message states "I can't get to my phone right now but if you leave a message I just might call you back. If you don't leave a message, there ain't a snowball's chance in hell of me calling you and your number goes on my blocked callers list. Thanks for calling, and have a nice day!"
I love playing with them. I let them go on and on with their spiel. Sometimes I will even put the phone down and walk away. When I come back they are still talking. Sometimes I sound like I am interested. Then I slam the phone down. Or sometimes I will bring the phone into the bathroom and flush the toilet.

But the one that get me is Comcast. I have Comcast. I have no choice but to have Comcast. Thanks to Meninno. No matter what, I have to have Comcast. I have it for the internet and for the TV. I do not have a land line. I don't want one. So why do I want any more services from them. I don't want a land line. Not even at their reduced price for the package. And that will go up after twelve months. They get enough of my money as it is. I don't even own a land line phone. I would have to go and buy one first. Them I yell at them. I don't give them a chance to give me their sell. I don't want to hear it. I let them know they are using up my minutes on my phone. I can just hear them after I hang up.

"Don't ever give me this customer again! She is a crazed person."

Addie.....you're using up your own minutes by 'playing' with them like this, instead of just saying you're not interested and hanging up.
I also got rid of my home land line years ago. Having cell phones and a land line didn't make sense. Besides, I'm not a yapper so my phone conversations rarely last over a couple of minutes.
But my business phone at the shop gets a good number of sales calls every day, as many as regular customers calls. Like I said before, I don't like to waste my time and their time so I immediately hang up without saying a word. Quick, clean, and no hard feelings. :)
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My husband did telemarketing in university for a few months. He said it was the worst job in the world.

I always ask to speak to a supervisor. Then ask to be taken off of the list. If they say something along the lines of "They can't do that" I get angry and tell them they are harassing me. Sometimes I have to yell. I don't feel bad for it. I was polite at the beginning, but when they continually express the right to harass and bother me in my own home I get mad. They always take me off of the list. I haven't received a single unsolicited call in over two years.
Slamming down the phone in someone's ear is not very nice. Nor is wasting someone's time like that, only to accuse them of wasting your minutes.

At some point, annoying people in their homes is not very nice and I have to question how much courtesy they deserve. The vast majority of calls I get are either computerized or there is no one there when I answer.
At some point, annoying people in their homes is not very nice and I have to question how much courtesy they deserve. The vast majority of calls I get are either computerized or there is no one there when I answer.

All you have to do is hang up without saying anything. I've done that for years with my cellphone and I rarely get these kinds of calls anymore.

There's no good reason to "play" with people by pretending to listen to them and then slamming down the phone or yelling at them. It's mean.
All you have to do is hang up without saying anything. I've done that for years with my cellphone and I rarely get these kinds of calls anymore.

There's no good reason to "play" with people by pretending to listen to them and then slamming down the phone or yelling at them. It's mean.

I do none of those things. I just don't feel intruders into my home deserve much consideration.
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