Your 4 favorite smells

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts. cool that you knew Roy Rogers when you were little. I thought he and Dale were just great!

I love the smell of a summer rain...
freshly turned soil...
kitchen smells, like vanilla and cinnamon...
and a good cigar.
Baby's breath
Smell of burning dried leaves (takes me back to childhood summers in the province)
Starbucks (although I'm not a coffee drinker)
This was hard! As I read through everyone else's, I would say - "oh yeah! That one too!". For me though ...

* Every season but especially the warm, damp smell of the earth in my gardens in the spring but the cold snap in your nose in the dead of winter is a close second.

* Vanilla

* Line dried linens and clothing

* Campfire
Blooming yeast
Pipe tobacco

As with most lists, these are the first 4 that come to mind. There are surely others.

Roasting turkey
Sauteeing onions
Freshly cut grass
Ocean Breeze
Fresh coffee brewing
Baking bread
Cherry Blossoms

If I were to add a fifth, it would be the "new car smell"
ocean breezes when the sun is warm and the sky is blue
my husband
Gardenias (lilacs & roses)


Coppertone's tropical blend suntan lotion/oil (the smell of the coconut/oil)

The ocean/beach with the above

The aroma of almost any food baking/roasting - bread, etc etc etc.

Chestnuts - in the oven or sold by vendors in NYC on a cold snowy day

(When i use to go camping) - The smell of pancakes, bacon & coffee cooking over an open flame.
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Smells, to step outside after it rains and smell everything all clean and fresh, the smell of a bunch of violets just picked, the way my horse use to smell when she nuzzled my neck while being petted, the smell of a fresh peach just off the tree, and I also have 5, babies and little children, be they clean or all covered in grim from playing, to me there is nothing sweeter or more wonderful.
Non-Food Related:

A contented barn - scent combination of horses, hay/straw/pine shavings, leather goods, etc.

The first early days of Spring - moist earth, first blooms, just plain "green".

Woodsmoke in the Fall.

Pine at Christmas.

Food Related:

Fresh coffee brewing in the morning.

Anything cooking outdoors on the grill.

Roasting poultry in the oven.

Homemade bread baking.

Cherry or Oak in a fireplace
The sweet exhaust smoke from my dirtbike
Fresh cut lawn

Honorable mentions:
Red Wines

Cherry or Oak in a fireplace
The sweet exhaust smoke from my dirtbike
Fresh cut lawn

Honorable mentions:
Red Wines

WD-40? Do you have lots of squeeky things, Jeeks? :LOL: I can never find that skinny tube that fits into the watchamacallit.:ROFLMAO:
lol.....I saw they have a new modified red hose thingy that won't get :LOL:

:LOL::ROFLMAO::LOL: I'll have to go find one of those thingies. You wouldn't by any chance like the smell of nail polish remover too? :ROFLMAO:

ETA: &... the smell of rich Corianthian leather. :LOL:
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