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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
ok, so how do you know if you've asked someone to be your friend and they've turned you down.
i think that i've sent the request for friendship to a person or two, but i never saw a confirmation in any way, and they're not in my list.
did they rebuke me?
or am i a bonehead and never sent it?

i don't want to ask again. it would look needy. i don't do needy very well. ridiculously self assured, yes. but not needy.
Hiya BT,

If you go to that person's profile and the "Befriend whomever" isn't there you have already asked the person. If they have actually turned you down (surely not) I don't know if the option re-appears or not. I guess you can always send them:

Please check one:

__ You like me

__ You don't like me

Glad I could help :mrgreen:

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