salsa? where..

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Sous Chef
Dec 4, 2007
Austin, TX.
I would like to start discussion about Salsa.. where should I start it? is it a "condement"? I thought maybe ethnic, but I would like to include "chutney" and others from what is becolmbing an amazingly "international" list!

where please?

Thanks, Eric, Austin Tx.
I think salsa could be a dip or a condiment, depending. Chutney is a condiment, too - it's usually consumed as a topping or spread with something else.
We had a carry in lunch for January birthday folk this week. One item was a fresh salsa with seeded tomato, onion, jalapeno (seeded) cilantro, little EVOO, lime juice, and salad shrimp. It was awesome!
Salsa can go in condiments or in ethnic I think. Would you like me to move this or are you going to start a new one?
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