I hate metric system.

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Imagine kilograms and grams. Liters and milliliters. How is the person supposed to know all of this and understand? Obviously I’m being sarcastic here.

Isn’t it so much easier when in one single recipe you get a teaspoon and a tablespoon, a cup and the ounces, a pinch and … well whatever else?

I am ready to scream. I usually cook at home, just for the family so I know how much of what I need to put. But the other day I was cooking for about 200 or so people. I made sweet and sour chicken. O boy. Was I mad? 2-table spoon of this, half a cup of that, 3 teaspoons, well you get the picture. Are we ever going to switch to metric, the rest of the world did. What are we waiting for? Who can possibly deal with 4 or 5 different units of measure in the same recipe?
We were told in high school that very soon the US would switch to metric - but it might be a few years - it's been 32 years and we're not there yet and not even close. Either way is fine with me - but it would be nice to have universal recipes!!!
The metric system makes so much more sense. I really wish we would have switched over. I do not know the metric system very well, but I think I would pick it up pretty quickly if we switched over.
I tried, but I couldn't do it...... I was told we were switching over to metric also. Thank God we didn't.
Me too CC. We have been using with things like 2 liter cokes, 4 liter engines, etc. Still don't get it.
What is there "to get", a liter is a liter. That is it. It is all you need to know. You take a mesuring thing and mesuare a liter. The thing that bothers me, that in one recipe there are table spoons, teaspoons, ponds, cups etc. I don't care if everything is in cups or pounds, but not all of them at the same time.

I once had an argument with a coworker about wrenches. I have no clue which one is biger or smaller. I would really have to stop and concentrated to know if 7/32 biger or smaller than 15/64 th or 3/16th, for example. So I said that it would be much easier if they were metric. Oh, no, she said, you still have to learn. Learn what, you already know how to count, 1, 2, 3, ..., that is all you need to know if you have a metric set, was my responce... Well we argued for a half an hour, she kept teling me about not knowing which wrench comes first ... :angry:
And how much is in a liter? Or how much is 2/3 liter?
Well, hm, let's see the liter is a liter. And nobody messures in 2/3rds. The whole metric system is build on the notion of everything being devided into 10th, 100ds, 1000ds. There is no need for such odd division as 2/3.
Rainee said:
And how much is in a liter? Or how much is 2/3 liter?

Oops, I'm sorry you said "In the liter" well, that is again a simple answer. There are 1000 milliliters in I liter, as well as there are 1000 grams in one kilogram, or 1000 millimeters in 1 meter. That’s the beauty and the precision of the metric system
quart...simple 32 oz.

metric to many grams or liters to keep straigh, too easy to get confused.
see no 2/3s What if I don't need a whole liter, I only need 2/3s of a liter?
Rainee said:
see no 2/3s What if I don't need a whole liter, I only need 2/3s of a liter?

You mean like 66 milliliters? :D

The system itself is pretty easy, it's based on multiples of 100.

However, my brewing system is based on 10 GALLONS, so I'm not switching, either!! :-p

Too much math to try to figure out everything 100s.
Rainee said:
Too much math to try to figure out everything 100s.

You kidding me, right? The whole beauty is that there is no math. If you do not need the whole liter then your measuring cup is divided in mililiters, so you can poor as much as you need.
I would only use the Metric System under threat of penalty of death. The "Avoirdupois" system we use has worked fine for a long time and I see no reason to change it, but that's just me!
I could not use that system if my life depended on it. I would just say....go ahead and kill me.

Better to do it now, so I won't have to get a headache trying to figure out what a milimeter is.
Rainee said:
Sounds like math to me.
So is trying to figure out 2/3 of a cup which is 8oz. The difference is that multiples of 10 are much easier and more logical.

We are just not used to it in the USA because we did not grow up with it. If we knew both systems equally then I bet most people would stick with metric.
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