Cardboard Meringue!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!

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Senior Cook
Aug 19, 2004
Bevier, Missouri, USA
Okay, I just made a coconut cream pie. The filling and crust were PERFECT, but the meringue turned out literally like cardboard. What do you think the problem is? I thought maybe it was the amount of sugar the recipe called for. If you want, I can post the recipe I used. ALL TIPS AND HELPFUL HINTS ARE GREATLY WELCOMED! Thanks.

Please post it so you can get some specific pointers Blondie. I know there are some amazing bakers out there.
*Squeezes pie and tub of whipped cream through computer lines and into Deadly's hands*


5 egg whites
Pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups sugar plus pinch of salt

Beat egg whites and cream of tarter until soft peaks form. Gradually add the sugar-salt mixture, beating constantly, muxing will agter each addition. Beat to stiff peaks, until meringue is shiney and smooth.

Hope this will help you help me.

THanks Blondie! ;) It downloaded just fine. Next time use keylimes in the coconut pie. thanks!
"Deadly" you jumped in pretty quick getting that pie, have you heard about sharing with your friends. You can PM me a piece of the next one. Ta!
Assuming the meringue is supposed to be cooked, I think there's too much sugar in the recipe. I wouldn't use more than 2/3 cup sugar for 6 egg whites. That's my standard. 1/3 cup sugar for every 3 whites. So 3/4 cup would be about right. Maybe just a bit shy of 3/4 c.

Too much sugar causes weeping and a tough skin after you bake the meringue.
"Blondie" I use 3/4 of a cup of sugar to 4 egg whites. 1 1/2 cups seems excessive. Having said that I am not sure if that caused your recycled cardboard problem. Maybe you cooked it too slow for too long. Only 374F°-392F°/190°C-200°C for 5-10 minutes until meringue is lightly browned.

Also to prevent your problem I would suggest leaving out the cream of tartar unless you are making Pavlova, Which has a crispy outside or if you are making those small individual meringues that one sees in cake shops.

But "Deadly" I am letting you copy and paste my pie. Have a heart and don't Cut and Paste in case someone else wants some.
Image removed by me!

LOL. I just noticed what's on the computer screen. Naughty!
Sorry to break the bad news to ya, but pron is "computer speak" for pornography. Only geeks would recognize it.

Do a google or other search on pron and you'll see what I mean.

I think the person who created that cartoon did it to see who the geeks are.
Thanx for breaking the bad news. Just naive I guess. Will get rid of it forthwith and fifthwith!!.
WayneT said:
Thanx for breaking the bad news. Just naive I guess. Will get rid of it forthwith and fifthwith!!.

Awww. I thought it was funny. I wasn't offended by it. Thought it was rather clever.
The recipe I'm looking at puts approximately 2/3 of a cup sugar for 5 egg whites (assuming 8 ounces per cup) Your recipe really seems to be using alot of sugar.
I tried this recipe from Food 911/Tyler Florence and it was a hit here;

1 cup superfine sugar
1/3 cup water
5 egg whites, at room temperature
1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

In a small pot over low heat, combine sugar and water. Swirl the pot over the burner to dissolve the sugar completely. Do not stir. Increase the heat and boil to soft-ball stage (235 to 240 degrees). Use a candy thermometer for accuracy. Wash down the inside wall of the pot with a wet pastry brush. This will help prevent sugar crystals from forming around the sides, falling in and causing a chain reaction. Prepare your meringue.
In the bowl of an electric mixer, whip the eggs whites on low speed until foamy. Add the cream of tartar, increase the speed to medium, and beat until soft peaks form.

With the mixer running, pour the hot sugar syrup in a thin stream over fluffed egg whites. Beat until the egg whites are stiff and glossy. Spread the meringue over a hot cake or pie, and bake as directed.

For Meringue Cloud Cookies: Preheat oven to 200 degrees F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. Dollop spoonfuls of meringue onto baking pans, alternatively you may use a pastry bag with a star tip. Bake for 2 hours until crisp. Turn off the oven and allow meringues to cool and completely dry out.

The important thing in this recipe is the candy thermometer. Pst 8)
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