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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
(I’ve decided to start translating my mom’s recipe book. This is the first attempt. Please comment on the wording and terminology I used of the recipe, if it is clear enough or not. This is my American wife’s favorite Russian style cake.)

Ingredients for dough:

Flour - 2 cups
Eggs - 3
Honey - 1.5 tbsps
Sugar - 1.5 cups
Vanilla extract - 1-2 tsps
Baking soda - a big pinch
Vinegar about 1-2 tbsp (enough to dissolve soda)

Ingredients for frosting:

1. Sour cream - 1lb (buy the brand that makes the thickest possible because if it is runny, the frosting will not stay on the cake)
2. Sugar - ¾ cup
3. Lemon - 1 big one


Frosting: Make this first, as it needs to be ready before the cake is baked. Put lemon in a small pot and add enough water to cover lemon completely. Bring to a boil. Boil for a couple of minutes and then rinse under cold water. Mix sour cream and sugar together until sugar is dissolved. (Do not over mix) Grate (use cheese grater) the lemon rind into the mixture. Cut lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the mixture, also. Make sure not to let seeds into the mixture.

Dough: Put flour, sugar, honey and vanilla together in a bowl. Put a pinch of soda into a big serving or mixing spoon. Pour vinegar over soda over the bowl with the flour/sugar mix. (If necessary, mix it until soda is dissolved.) Add vinegar/soda mix to the bowl. Mix everything until dough is very soft, but not pourable like cake batter. Do not over mix or the dough will become too hard. (I use a frying pan for baking. The reason I do so is because it has a handle and it is easier to flip pan over to remove the cake.) If using 10-inch pan, divide dough into 3 equal parts. If using 12 inch, divide dough into 2 equal parts. Spray the pan with Pam or other non-stick spray. Sprinkle breadcrumbs in the pan and spread evenly to prevent dough from sticking. Put dough in pan and spread flat/evenly on bottom of pan, I do it with my hands, just make them wet so dough doesn’t stick. Bake each layer at 350 degrees for about 12-15 minutes. Because there is, honey is in the mixture, dough has tendency to stick to the bottom. Be careful not to break the cake when taking out of pan. BTW, if you use spring mold make sure to use one that is non-stick kind.

Spoon and spread a layer of frosting onto a serving dish/big plate. Take a hot layer of cake and put it on the layer of frosting. Spread more frosting on the top of that layer of cake and on the side repeat steps for as many layers of cake you made. It is very important to do it when the layer is still hot. Also, you could and should pock the cake thru with a knife or fork so the frosting penetrates better through the dough. It takes a while for frosting to penetrate through the dough, so I leave the assembled cake seating on the counter for at least 24 + hours and than put in refrigerator for at least another 24 hours. I think it taste the best after 3 days. Garnish cake with whatever you like (i.e. raisins, sprinkles, chocolate chips, etc.).

I’ve just made a quadruple portion of this. If multiply you’ll need to make extra frosting as it runs of the sides
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Sounds great CharlieD.

A "real" baker will come by and help you better than I can, that's for sure!!! :blush: You did a great job in translating!
Charlie, looks perfect to me, & a very nice recipe, I might add. :chef: If you were going to publish the recipe, the only thing I would change is i.e. 1.5 to 1 1/2 & run a spelll check i.e. pock I know you mean poke. Every thing looks clear to me. ;)

One part of my job is to write recipes in a food management software program. The questions I would have about this recipe would be a better description of the sugar. Is this granulated type sugar thru the whole recipe or is the icing using a confectioner’s sugar sometimes known as powdered sugar or 10X sugar?

I would also question the amount of vinegar and baking soda. It would be helpful if the “big pinch” could be better defined since 2 tablespoons of vinegar equals one fluid ounce.

Have you considered cutting parchment into rounds that fit the bottom of your pan to help with removing the fragile cake layer?

I like some of the older recipes that use sour cream. I have a sour cream cookie recipe handed down a couple of generations that is unique due to the sour cream.

Nice job on this recipe. I would like to try it some time.
Thank you for the coments.

Just to let you know I did run spell check.

As far as sugar goes, I use plain old regular sugar. I actually have though about the parchment paper, but did not try it. Maybe next time I will. Yeah, I know the pinch thing bothered me too. Need to measuare next time.
Charlie, Thank you! I saw the post come up on Goodweed's quest for a new challenge. Anne Linden, one of the authors at Books by Volunteers who serve Ukraine Orphans has a favorite. That being honey cake she has had many times at a restaurant in Western Ukraine. But I didn't have a recipe as to handle the sour cream frosting. Now I have your cake and frosting. I shall make it - family is asking for Ukrainian honey cake again. This will work! Russian style is good by me.

Why boil the lemon first...? Does it make the juices run better??
No it makes bitterness of the skin go away. That did not sound English, did it? Here, let me try again. Boil lemons to make it less biter.
Charlie, that recipe sounds really good! It also sounds different enough that it will taste very unique, and not like all the other cake recipes. Thank you so much for writing this out!

My only question, is about the breadcrumbs in the bottom of the pan. What type, and about how much?
Any unseasoned type will work. They are used to prevent cake from stiking to the bottom, which, unfortunately, doesn't always help. I've also used some farina when i was out of bread crumbs.

Yes it is very different than any American cake. All my friends like it a lot. Nobody wants to bother make it though, too much work. They usually wait for me to make it.
Lemonnik: Charlie, you have a get down winner with this one! Just made it - most excellent. I will have a few questions of course, later! Great Job. How is it that you have waited so long to start translating your mother's cookbook? Smile
Wow. Great. So tell me all about. When did you make it, how did you like it. Did you let it seat before eating it? I want your coments and details.
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