Any dream interperators here?

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Master Chef
Apr 16, 2005
North Texas
I have a question, not about a dream, but a series of pictures.
If someone knows of a person that could tell me what something might mean in pictures, i would greatly appreciate it.
The pictures are of 2 cousins(as close as sisters) from pictures of them as toddlers, one is always on the left and the other is on the right. Is there meaning in this? The girls are now 13 or at least one is , tradgically, one died in a house fire last week and the living girl is lost without her saying that she feels that a part of her is gone.

Is there meaning in the way that they were always left to right in every picture like that?

thank you!!
I take it these pictures are in your dreams? Maybe it's a way of having things "the same" - as if both are still here. That's as close as I can come.
I'm sorry, I didn't express it right,they aren't in a dream. They are actual picture. I asked for a dream enterperator, because, i thought that maybe it would be simiular?
I'm not a dream interpreter, and I don't know one, but here are my thoughts. People (even small children) do often seem to have a favorite side to sit, stand, or walk next to others. For instance, when I am walking with someone, I generally tend to walk on the left side of them. It seems more comfortable talking as we walk if I look to the right at them. It could be something as simple as that.

As far as the cousin feeling like part of her is gone, since they were so close, I would think that would be very normal.

:) Barbara
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