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Senior Cook
Mar 31, 2005
Opinions wanted! This is about the movie "The Aviator". My MIL will be watching 3 of my kids tomorrow night. One is a 13 yr old boy. One is a 15 yr old boy with has Down Syndrome. The third is a baby, so she's not really part of my question. My MIL wants the boys to watch The Aviator tomorrow night. I'm not sure it's one I want them watching. I know he did some great things, but his lifestyle wasn't anything to write home about. She asked if it would be ok, which I appreciate, but when I said I wasn't sure, I'd do some research & let her know, she seemed kind of put out. I don't want to be overly protective, but it's sometimes hard to decide. I would dearly appreaciate any advice and inoput about this movie. IMHO, just because something is rated PG-13, doesn't mean that it is automatically appropriate for 13 & up.
I did not see it, but, if you feel that you don't want your kids watching, then by all means, tell her no. She can watch it by herself when they are not there. Find another movie that she might like to watch and rent it for them, or bring one from home that the kids like.
ps8 i haven't seen the movie but i would say go with your motherly instincts.
you know what you want for your kids better than anyone.
"If you like to talk to tomatoes....
If a squash can make you smile.......
If you like to waltz with potatoes.......
Up and down the produce aisle........."
"oh where is my hairbrush? Oh where is my hairbrush?
Oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where...
is my hairbrush?"
um, sush, you watch veggie tales?
that's my friend's 2 year-old's favorite show and, um, hon, you're kind of in your 30's.
do you watch tellytubbies, too? i watched that show once and it SCARED me. it was creepy!
jkath said:
I go to "plugged in" for movie reviews in case I'm not sure:

If they haven't already seen it, National Treasure really is a good one, and actually has some historical facts. I let both of my over-protected children watch it (9 and 12).

I knew I liked you from the get-go! I like this place, too, because they give lots of info about the movie instead of just thumbs up or thumbs down. Unfortunately, National Treasure has been watched to death recently. I think I'll just have to incur the wrath (joking) and say no to this movie.
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I'm with ya, folks! Veggietales it will be!! heeheehee! I knew I could get opinions from yall! Thanks for the support!
Tellytubbies? ACHK!!!!!!!!!!! :sick: Pure tripe!

i make spaghetti and tripe and it's GOOD!
ps8, i wouldn't let them see the movie if you think that's what's best. mother's instinct is usually right.
i don't know anything about the movie, but there's been a good piece on howard hughes on the history channel recently. hughes was not only an eccentric genius (did you know that besides all of his other inventions, after being hospitalized from a crash flying an experimantal plane, h.h. re-designed the hospital bed such as like the ones commonly used today, with servos and motors for positioning the patient for comfort. his mind never stopped), but he was also a great american patriot.
OK, here's how it turned out. I asked my hubby what he thought - I know, I know, what a wacky idea! He said he thought that he and I should see it before we decide to let the boys see it. Boy, he's smart! What a sensible idea. So, when we drop them off, that's what I tell her, and she was ok with that. Her reason for wanting them to see it was that the history in history books is so dry and boring, but history itself isn't, and this is one way to show them history in an interesting format. I told her I agreed, but that this movie probably only has the thread of truth to it and also that if it only focused on his great achievements, there wouldn't be any question that they could see it. Unfortunately, there's quite a bit of time focused on his wild and eccentric lifestyle and that's the part that I am concerned about. I'm not sure she agreed with me that I should be concerned about that (they're pretty liberal), but she respected my views on it. So, to make a short boring story into a long boring story, it turned out just fine!

They ended up watching Pocahontas and then the true greatness of Bugs Bunny!

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