"Wickedly Perfect"

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Executive Chef
Oct 19, 2004
...lala land..............
Do you watch it? I do and enjoy it quite a bit. If you do watch it, who do you think will win? I think the man on Crafty Beavers that is the floral specialist will ultimitely win. That crazy lady that runs all around in the kitchen that did the appetizers two or so weeks ago did an awesome job of them. But that lady that did the wrongly done eggs, who is now kicked off, and the lady that did her version chicken pot pies did a horrible job of pulling them off.

Any opinion? Or, does no one watch this?
I was watching the show and REALLY enjoyed it, however I haven't seen it for a few weeks. I thought it was cancelled. When is it on?
I love that show!

It was moved to Saturdays for a couple weeks, but I'm not sure if it is permanent.

:) Barbara
Entertain4Fun said:
I was watching the show and REALLY enjoyed it, however I haven't seen it for a few weeks. I thought it was cancelled. When is it on?

here in California, it's now on Saturday night at 8 pm. Survivor and others have taken over it's original time/day that being Thursday here.
kitchenelf said:
Where have I been???? I've never heard of it :?

It's a tv show about who will be the next famous designer. It's people from around the country, each with their own individual talents in decor, fashion, flowers, woodworking, culinary etc. It's now down to about maybe 7 left out of the 14 or so that started. It has judges that each week, judge on the 'team task' of the moment. Bobby Flay, the lady that wrote Sex and the City and David Evangelista who is a designer or something. They always have a task as a team, there are two teams, and each tries to out do the other team, plus, they each have the same individual task, that they're graded on as well. When one of the team loses, their individual projects go under fire, then, those two people are put on the chopping block to be vacated off the show.

I love to see what they come up with each week and how hard the challange is.
You will love it kitchenelf. It has something for everyone--decorating, cooking, art, teamwork, back-stabbing, big mansion. :)

:) Barbara

I didn't see this until the show was half over, but hopefully you saw my post to you elsewhere and are watching it.

:) Barbara
Anyone see the show lastnight? I hope Mitch doesn't win. He asts like he's the best and everyone else sucks. Don't like people like that.
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