Hi from Greater Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
Hi everyone. This is one very cool forum.

I live in a suburb of Montreal with my husband, Stirling (he really is), and my cat, Shrederik. I grow a few herbs in my microscopic garden and compost my kitchen waste in a composter that looks like a headless Dalek.

I enjoy cooking, most of the time and enjoy trying new things and perfecting them. I'm half Danish and half Swedish and I've been getting back to my roots with Danish recipes and the occasional Swedish one. I'm a member of a Danish cooking site. I won't bother linking unless someone asks, 'cause it's all in Danish.

I'm all about "food made of food". I only use whole grains - I think they taste better. I read labels. I make my own yoghurt, sour cream, and quark. When I'm motivated I bake bread and make pasta.

If anyone wants to know about Danish cooking, I might be able to help. If anyone wants to know about cooking or baking with whole grains, I can probably help.
Welcome Taxlady! I take it you are a Dr. Who fan...there's a few of us SF fans on this forum. Have fun! We enjoy all the food talk you can throw at us!
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