Chinese Black Soy Sauce

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Just came across a recipe for Chinese Hot and Sour Soup.

The list of ingredients calls for
1/2 Tbs Soy Sauce
1/2 Tbs Black Soy Sauce.

I've heard of Light and Ive heard of Dark, but never Black.

So my question is, is Black Soy Sauce something totally different than light and dark ?

If so, what is the difference?

Black soy sauce is a Thai ingredient. For Chinese hot and sour soup, I'd assume dark soy sauce.
You sure it's not a typo and they mean black vinegar? Is there anything else sour in the soup?
I agree with Andy. Chinese soy sauces mainly include light and dark -- dark being sweeter and thicker -- and mushroom soy.

Black soy sauce is a Thai ingredient which is a pretty sweet and thick condiment.

My guess is the same as Andy's: the recipe is probably written imprecisely and they meant light and dark

Edited to LOL at Kayelle's link. That's my Thai brand in the link. It's thicker than Chinese dark sauce.
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thats what i would have thought also, in the printed recipe it said " Black soy sauce" and in the video she said " Chinese Black soy sauce" which is why i was confused. It was taken from a generic bowl, so I was unable to notice any brand or label.
I have a bottle of "Healthy Boy Brand" Black Soy Sauce, got it at H-Mart. I got it for a recipe from PowerPlantOp. Have not used it yet.
Keep in mind that the color of Black soy sauce will make your food very dark. I was very unhappy with it for the shrimp paste I made recently for Shrimp Toast. After cooking, the paste appeared to be burned although it wasn't. I'll be very careful using it for anything from now on.
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