FoodSaver, who has one?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Nov 9, 2011
East Boston, MA
Do any of you have a Food Saver? I do. It is a much older model. But it serves me well. I would be lost without it. And my grocery bill would be much higher without it.

If I were to purchase my meats in individual packages it would cost me a lot more. By being able to purchase family size packages, I save an awful lot of money. Steaks, unless there is a really great sale, I usually do buy an individual one. Porterhouse steak is my favorite. Chuck meat, I buy the family pack. That gets ground into ground meat. I am not too fond of pork products. So chops do have to be center cut loin and on sale. Again the family pack. I only buy chicken quarters and cut them up for individual servings. I get them by the bagful. Usually anywhere from six to ten a bag. The most I pay for them is $.69 a lb.

I have the continuous roll cut to size for larger pieces of meat. Otherwise the pint size bags serve me very well for individual servings.

My FS was purchased many years ago. When they first came on the market. Every time I see them on QVC, I notice the price goes up and up for the latest model. And then I think of mine. It does the same job and today my only cost is the bags. After shopping around the 'net, I have found a place that sells them for less than the FS site or Amazon. The FS site is the most expensive. :chef:
I have a Seal-a-Meal brand vacuum sealer that I got at a great price at Big Lots quite a while ago. I really like it. I don't have to think about freezer burn and meat doesn't even taste like it has been frozen.

Usually boneless skinless chicken comes 3 pieces to a pack, and with only 2 of us, cooking a whole pack would be wasteful, so I break them up into 2-piece packs, and vacuum seal them in the quart sized bags. I buy pork loins and cut them up, and vacuum seal. I buy meat only when on sale and I save a bundle!

I need more bags. Where do you get yours Addie?
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I have one and I love it. Purchased my first one when they first came out many many moons ago. I upgraded about 5 years ago and still think this machine is the best thing I ever purchased. Like you said .. you can save soooooo much buying in bulk. And the lifespan of food sealed in a food saver package is so much longer than any other way. I would be lost without my food saver .. it's a winner !
I have one, love it!

I save (and have friends save) the microwave frozen dinner trays. Things like lasagna, I put in those and vacuum seal them and toss in the freezer. I have my own frozen entrees.
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I loved my FoodSaver, until they came out with the Reynolds EZ-Vac. I found it cumbersome to lug out my Foodsaver from the top cabinet above my fridge, along with the roll cutter and rolls, then have to store it back. Reynolds has stopped making the bags, but the ZipLock company came out with a similar hand pump product and bags. I now buy Ziplock vacuum bags. All you have to do to get them to work with the battery operated Reynolds EZ-Vac vacuumer is hold it off to one side of the bag hole. I don't miss my FoodSaver anymore, but it was a cool product. The Ziplock brand gallon and quart sized bags are still being sold, for how long? Who knows? I plan to buy a bunch, and they're not that expensive. They have their fail rate, but so does everything. Most sealing errors are due to people not being aware that sharp pointed areas of frozen foods can pierce the bags. For T-bone steaks (for instance) I use a small piece of paper towel at that sharp boney area. This prevents the bags getting poked upon vacuum.
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You are welcome Dawfluver and Frank. Glad to be of help. When I went shopping at the beginning of this month, my freezer was crying for company. It didn't even have ice cube trays in it. Today, thanks to the FS, it is now full to the top. There are at least 40 meals in there for me. If not more. I won't have to buy meat for the next two months. Unless there is a sale I can't pass up. :yum::yum::chef:
You are welcome Dawfluver and Frank. Glad to be of help. When I went shopping at the beginning of this month, my freezer was crying for company. It didn't even have ice cube trays in it. Today, thanks to the FS, it is now full to the top. There are at least 40 meals in there for me. If not more. I won't have to buy meat for the next two months. Unless there is a sale I can't pass up. :yum::yum::chef:

I'm sorry ya all,

I can do the same with more convenience with my battery powered air sucker and Ziplock quart and gallon bags, at about the same cost. Also, the Foodsaver bags need to be raised up to the height of the intake for efficient use. I had to use a cheese block as an aid to do that. Too much hassle for me. FoodSaver now markets their own version of Reynolds and Ziplocks hand held food vacuum system. :LOL:
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I'm sorry ya all,

I can do the same with more convenience with my battery powered air sucker and Ziploc quart and gallon bags, at about the same cost. Also, the Foodsaver bags need to be raised up to the height of the intake for efficient use. I had to use a cheese block as an aid to do that. Too much hassle for me. FoodSaver now markets their own version of Reynolds and Ziploc hand held food vacuum system. :LOL:

I am of the school, 'if it ain't broken, don't fix it.' My old FS works just fine for me. I have yet to use the canisters and all the other extras that came with it. But when this roll is gone, I will be purchasing the gallon bags. By purchasing the ready made bags, I rarely have to use the large roll and cut my own size. The cutter comes out only for a large piece of meat like a roast. I have seen all the other uses for it. The only clothing I would want to us the FS on, is going to be the piece I want to wear today. And since I cook only for one, there are no leftovers. I see no need to upgrade at this time. And considering that I have empty cabinets, storage is not an issue for me. :)
I am of the school, 'if it ain't broken, don't fix it.' My old FS works just fine for me. I have yet to use the canisters and all the other extras that came with it. But when this roll is gone, I will be purchasing the gallon bags. By purchasing the ready made bags, I rarely have to use the large roll and cut my own size. The cutter comes out only for a large piece of meat like a roast. I have seen all the other uses for it. The only clothing I would want to us the FS on, is going to be the piece I want to wear today. And since I cook only for one, there are no leftovers. I see no need to upgrade at this time. And considering that I have empty cabinets, storage is not an issue for me. :)

Just an FYI tho, the price FS charges for their end sealed gallon and quart sized bags is way more than Ziplock charges for same.

If all things are equal, I prefer taking a lightweight battery powered air sucker out of a drawer over taking out a 5 pound unit I have to take out of a cabinet, plug in, then do the reverse afterwards.
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True. That is why I don't buy my bags from FS. They cost the most. There are plenty of other vendors that sell them for a lot less. In fact, when I looked at their site, I didn't see any bags for my old FS. I had to call them to make sure the bags of today would work on my FS. They do. So I went on a hunt and found a place that sells them for so much less. So between buying in bulk, both food and the bags, I have saved me a pretty penny. And I didn't even have to buy any new hardware, e.i., a new version of the FS or a handheld one. I am one happy shopper. :chef:
Another mildly funny note about FS, I used to be impressed that the motor had the power to squish aluminum cans. Not only is that much suction not required to remove the air around an item in the bag, but my FS sounded like something that belonged on my garage tool bench, not on a kitchen counter, especially late at night.
I have had one for years, walmart has been selling the bags for a while.
Love it. I also use to seal up important documents and made up a emgerency kit for the car. stays nice and dry - It has paid for it self over and over. Well worth the investment.
I have the zip lock hand pump as well. I had several failures from the bags. Slow leaks and not pointy stuff, sausage.

The other issue with the zip lock premade bags is they are premade, one size (ok two sizes) and that is that. I have done some foods they would not have worked with.

I also found it difficult at times to get the circle laid flat if the food was weird shaped.

It isn't a bad system, especially for the price, but it does have some limitations.

I do think the FS does a better job overall, it can be a bit less convenient though. I don't have to worry about a bag cutter, mine has that internally with roll storage. It also automatically starts the cycle, just slide the bag edge in and the clamp closes and the machine starts. My biggest beef is it heats up too fast and you have to wait.
Of all the toys I have in my kitchen, my FS has saved me the most money. I use it more than my electric slicer or even food processor. My next foray into the produce section of my supermarket is for onions. Vidalia. I will slice some and dice some. And into the freezer they will go. They have just reach us here, so I will wait until they go down in price some. Son #1 usually does my shopping in that half of the store. I am going to have to educate him on how to shop for Vidalias. To him, an onion is an onion. :huh:
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