Sous vide tool - help decide

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Master Chef
Oct 19, 2013
Southeast US
I am thinking of getting this Sous Vide immersion tool.

Its on sale ($99) and I already have the vacuum sealer and water, believe it or not!
So, I see this sale and get a recommendation from another forum. I also saw it on Amazon and Facebook.

But, when we talked at length about this method of cooking before, I was under the impression a vacuum sealer was required.
This product does not even mention Sous Vide and it says any resealable plastic bag will work. The picture it shows is using a regular zip lock freezer bag.
It also is smart and will work with Bluetooth or both Bluetooth and WiFi. Of course I had to read it real good to find out Wifi is an extra $100.

Okay. I don't need either smart function, but it is very cool. I would use Wifi as it is available anywhere you go. With Bluetooth, you must be within feet of the the immersion tool.

My question to this group is, would you buy it? Have you used one like it? Know of anyone who may have one like this? This brand?
I don't want to be disappointed. Thanks in Advance.....John
I would buy one. I think you'd have much better results with a vacuum sealer. If you use a Ziplock bag, as the bag heats up, the air inside expands and your meat ends up in a balloon far away from the precisely heated water. If you vac seal the meat the plastic stays right next to the meat so the water can bring it to the set temp.

Did you read the link to reviews I posted in the other thread in response to your question?
I would buy one. I think you'd have much better results with a vacuum sealer. If you use a Ziplock bag, as the bag heats up, the air inside expands and your meat ends up in a balloon far away from the precisely heated water. If you vac seal the meat the plastic stays right next to the meat so the water can bring it to the set temp.

Did you read the link to reviews I posted in the other thread in response to your question?

Thanks Andy. I have not been able to look at the review link you gave me. But I will today.
I am leaning towards the purchase. My only reservation is how much will I actually use it?
That's the million dollar question. I mean the $99 question...LOL
Many a special cooking tool resides in my basement. I'm concerned this will also end up there.

Cute. But for $99 I can get the real thing and its 100% easier.
Thanks though!
That is a great price for the tool. Fo that price why bother with the cooler method. That was great when circulators were $1,200.

For regular bags you can use the displacement method to remove most of the air. But they will tend to float and you have to weigh them down losing more surface area.

You can find cheap ways to vacuum seal but the bags cost more.

Get a good sealer, do not suck moister into it and keep it clean you will be much happier. Besides you can use it for other things.
I am dancing around this, it kind of fits with my style of low and slow saturation cooking.

Hoping, and have dropped hints, that a good vacuum sealer would not be amiss as a Christmas gift from Beloved Wife.

I don't know if I would use bluetooth or wi-fi with this. I kind of prefer to keep the computers out of the kitchen, though I do understand the precision of this type of cooking, time and temperature wise, so it makes sense.

How wild will that be if I get a vacuum seal thingy and this, and start using it? I could be simultaneously cooking my meat in a wi-fi enabled sous vide immersion rig, while roasting my vegetables in my Lodge cast iron dutch oven, both dishes were cut up with (depending on the material) either my beloved space-age ceramic chef knife, or equally beloved paring knife that a blacksmith friend made for me out of one of my grandfather's old files!

Andy, whatever you decide, let us know how it works out for you. Interested in this idea.

I have the Anova Sous Vide circulator, with Bluetooth, not Wi-Fi. I probably use my circulator more than I use my oven. Once you learn to use it, you may find it to be your go-to method of getting dinner on the table. I use it so much, I have 2 sous vide units (the other is a Sous Vide Supreme water oven).

I have never used the Bluetooth feature. I have to actually walk to the devices to put the water and bags in the pot, plug it in, and secure the clamp. It's simple to hit the 'On' button while I'm standing there. I'm not sure why I would walk away and use my phone to turn it on.

I received my first as a birthday gift 3 1/2 years ago. I find I use it more, not less, the longer I have it, thus the second unit was acquired last year last year - an Amazon Black Friday deal. I'm thinking about a 3rd one.

Right now, I have ribs in one.
I ended up getting rid of mine after a couple of months. For my doing just 1,2, or 3 steaks it was far practical for me to cook them in the traditional manner.

This is my exact concern. Especially now that I might be cooking for one in the near future.

Thanks Andy. I'm not buying one. I'm not sure what I am doing today or in the near future.
This is my exact concern. Especially now that I might be cooking for one in the near future.

Here's my typical steak night senario: I get off work at 6, stop at a market for steaks, arrive home just before 7, prepare steak dinners for family, and finish eating by 8. My wife takes care of the grand kids almost every afternoon so her hands are pretty full.

I really liked using SV when I had time to prepare meals, which was rare. It really shined when doing roasts. It was a fun gadget while I owned it.
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I've had one for a few years. Bought 4 more when they had a sale. 2 for my parents,1 for my son and 1 more for myself.

Love cooking veggies in them. Mostly use it on the weekends.
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