Good Thins The Cheese one white Cheddar review....

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Master Chef
Nov 8, 2004

This is supposed to be a new item from the company.

These were certainly nice and thin.

I thought they had a nice cheese flavor to them.

Nice light crunch

I would give this item a big thumbs up.
Onto the Paremesan & Garlic one


This flavor was made with rice.

This to me had way more solid cheese flavor than it did garlic flavor.

It was nice and crunchy and for sure.

I will still give this one a big thumbs up.
Onto the Three cheese flavor review...

this was the last cheese flavor version I tried..

Nice crunch to this one.

This one had good cheese flavor.

I will this flavor a big thumbs up and I think the White Cheddar flavor was the best.
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