Life in the fast lane. Pizza tips

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
Is this the right place for Pizza?

Be a hero to your kids without spending all day in the kitchen.

I have no time to spend in the kitchen:( , but my kids love when I make my own Pizza. So here is a solution: Rhodes Italian bread dough, Hunts Pizza sauce. Toppings of you kids choice. 15-20 minutes and pizza is done, kids think that you are the greatest:rolleyes: . You hardly did anything, but they don’t know it, or do not care to know it, they love you, your son brags about you at school:king: , your daughter runs and gives you the biggest hug and a kiss :kiss: ever, ahhhh :heart:
CharlieD said:
they love you, your son brags about you at school:king: , your daughter runs and gives you the biggest hug and a kiss :kiss: ever, ahhhh :heart:

And that is what makes it the best tasting pizza, right, Charlie?!:)

Thanks for sharing a great idea! Sometimes it's not the effort of something fancy but the thought that makes it special.
mom was our hero when she made fake pizza:

regular white bread
pizza sauce
anise seed (I think)

ran it under the broiler and then it was done.
Charlie, I have used different kinds of spaghetti sauce and did the same as you!!! They all think that you spent hours making it for them!!! Thanks for the reminder to make up some mini pizzas using English muffins and putting them into the freezer for my truck-driving hubby!!
thanks for the warm memories charlie.

i used to love my mom's english muffin/prego or ragu brand (jarred) sauce/shredded mozzarella pizzas.
to this day i love pizza, thin crust with more sauce and less cheese because of the way she made them.
does making pizza really take that long? I've always found that when I make pizza from scratch the only long part is proofing the dough, so i usually just make the dough one night and let it rise in the fridge overnight, and then all I need to do is grease a pan, top it, and pop it into the oven for the bake. 20 min, without cleaning, but that would take awhile i suppose.
Chausiubao said:
does making pizza really take that long? I've always found that when I make pizza from scratch the only long part is proofing the dough, so i usually just make the dough one night and let it rise in the fridge overnight, and then all I need to do is grease a pan, top it, and pop it into the oven for the bake. 20 min, without cleaning, but that would take awhile i suppose.

When we make pizza dough it takes about a half an hour to rise. We roll it out into the pizza shapes first, then leave them in a warm place (not in a fridge) for a while. (we make the traditional roman style though, very thin. One whole pizza or more for one person, we make like 4 or 5 of them at a time...) Try some mixture of different flours to find a good formula for you... a strong flour something for bread making always helps, also we like to mix in a little yellow soy flour for a crunchier texture.

However making pizzas from scratch is better suited for a day/evening when you can dedicate a couple of hours for this project, while not THAT time consuming or hard work, it is not something you want to deal with when you get home tired and late or when kids are starving and anxious for a quick din din.

In such occasions when I am in the mood for pizza but need it quick foccacia or french bread is usually my choice, also when I was in Texas I loved "Boboli"...are they available in your area? They are flat and round already looks like a pizza, but if you add your favourite topping and reheat it in the oven or toaster oven, it comes out as a wonderful pizza-ish treat.
When my girls were little, I always made pizzas for their slumber parties. I'd get the dough all ready, and let them do the toppings. We had lots of fun.
One time, we had the whole softball team. The living room floor was solid sleeping bags. The next morning we had a pancake eating contest, and one little girl ate eleven pancakes. :sick:
I hope they weren't big pancakes. My grandson (6) really likes pancakes and that is what he wants every morning. His favorite are chocolate chip, but he will eat almost any kind.
When I am lucky enough not to go to work on Sunday, I make pancakes for my kids, they love them. I think they can eat 11 of them each.
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