Rachel Ray Is The Cutest Chick Ever!

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She is like nails on a chalk board. Shes not unattractive. Looks-wise she is a 6.5 out of 10. But the annoying laugh and the way she speaks makes the whole package a negative 2 out of 10. :yuk: I belong to the RR sucks community. (yes there is such a thing) We talk about the way she annoys us and we petition Food Network to take her off the air.
I respect your opinion.... I just dont agree with it.
Im not speaking on behalf of Discuss Cooking. This is just MY opinion.
My my Deadly Sushi - I hope she doesn't run into you in a dark alley! I must admit - you made me laugh - even though I do like her - but I know what you mean - she is annoying - she just keeps talking - I always say she must not have friends.
I totally agree with Deadly and Michele. She can cook some pretty good, quick meals but annoys the heck out of me.
Yup. I think she got her job because shes related to someone in Food Network. Her reaction when she tastes ANYTHING is the same. Now not everyone is TV camera worthy. But any of my friends that are would be far better than her. I just think that shes not face value. Not a above average TV chef either. Its like she is faking the whole experience.
You know who REALLLLLLLY puts her to shame? Giada De Laurentiis. Now she has it all. Talent and beauty plus class but seems down to earth. No red hair but hey, no one is perfect. :rolleyes:
I happen to like RR a lot. I love her food and I think she is pretty as well. I can completely understand why people would find her annoying, but thankfully that type of personallity does not bother me.
I"m having to stay away from foodtv completely. My RR feelings have started to spread to those I like so I'm taking a break until some new shows or at least some new editions pop up. Right now I'm sticking to pbs and enjoying them immensely.
DS I love Giada. She is very good looking (except sometimes her forehead is huge) and I love the food she cooks. I can't really compare the two though. Giada is a trained cook as far as I know and RR is not. That doesn't make one better than the other, but their styles are very different.
I don't think she's anything to ogle over, but I won't tear her down. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - trite, but true. Pretty women are a dime a dozen in NY and LA, but not everyone has their own show.
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Yup. I think she got her job because shes related to someone in Food Network. Her reaction when she tastes ANYTHING is the same. Now not everyone is TV camera worthy. But any of my friends that are would be far better than her. I just think that shes not face value. Not a above average TV chef either. Its like she is faking the whole experience.
You know who REALLLLLLLY puts her to shame? Giada De Laurentiis. Now she has it all. Talent and beauty plus class but seems down to earth. No red hair but hey, no one is perfect. :rolleyes:

Oh, sush! Got to differ with you here...Giada De Laurentis is a beauty (we agree there), but talent? I think not. I believe she's got her show because of her name and family. Isn't it great that we all have different tastes? How boring if we were all alike!!
She drives me crazy too... Paulie loves to watch her though. I make him watch with the sound way down... he doesn't mind. lol
I don't care about her cooking or her show or her personality. I like cute, chunky chicks, and she fits the bill!!!!!
lol, chunky.

i'd bet that's not exactly the personal description she would use.

i can take her cooking show in small doses, but all of the rest of rr i avoid. it's too friggin chipper and forced, and it's now becoming too much.
I enjoy RR shows and I think she does a good job. Weather she is cute or not doesn't concern me. I'm sure we are not all the best looking folks either.Look how far Julia Childs got in her cooking shows and books. They all do good considering they are in front of a camera.
Well... either you like her or you don't... but ya have to admit that there's something about her that makes people take notice. Even on DC we've bashed her and lifted her up to great hights.
I don't mind RR... although she is almost like a cartoon character and I can see how she would grate on folks.

I think she's kinda 'cute'... not MY first choice in beauty but to each their own.

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