To all you parents of young kids

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Master Chef
Apr 16, 2005
North Texas
Take time to be with your kids, right now! No more excuses as to why you can't play ball, or play dolls or have that tea party. Do everything you can while they are small. Time flies by way too fast and they will be gone!!:(

Yes, I'm down in the dumps today. My youngest baby is moving out on his own for the first time. I'm sad, but, happy for him. I'm worried although I know that he is a pretty responsible kid. I want him to be independant and have everything that he deserves, but, I worry that life will throw him more than he can handle. Oh lord, help me!!!:cry: He will still be working with me, but, he won't be here for me to keep him safe and know where he is. I pray that he will be safe and make the right decisions{sp}

Just had to let it out.

I'm so with you in the dumps. I just had to discipline my youngest daughter in a very public way and I am feeling so mean. I'm gonna go hug her if she will let me.
texasgirl said:
Take time to be with your kids, right now! No more excuses as to why you can't play ball, or play dolls or have that tea party. Do everything you can while they are small. Time flies by way too fast and they will be gone!!:(

I have been through this.... my son who is my best bud.. we did everything together, golfed.. built his audio box for his car together.. he left to go to college.. and everytime I would walk by his bedroom and I would see he wasn't there, I just cried.... and it was hard on him also, cause he knew I was moving 3000 miles away. I see him online everyday, but its just not the same as seeing his smile. I still get sad even after several months later... It seems like only yesterday I was at the ball field watching him play baseball.. or rocking him to sleep at night. sooo yessss time goes WAY to quickly.. ::( huggzzzz Texas girl!
I know what it's like to do that, Alix. We always try to do the best that we can and hope that it's the best for the kiddo. It's not always nice, but, when they are older, they will understand!! I'm just feeling blue today:neutral:
She will understand later that you were doing your job as a parent and that, whatever it was, she needed to be reprimanded. That's the way they learn right and wrong.
Debbie, I feel bad that I'm whining about this, when yours is so far away. That had to be the hardest thing for you!!! Mine is just moving to the other town away. Wow, college. Good for him!!! I wish mine would have gone to college. They had so much trouble with school though. They were ready for school to be over. I hope later that they find a field of work and go back to school.
texasgirl said:
Debbie, I feel bad that I'm whining about this, when yours is so far away. That had to be the hardest thing for you!!! Mine is just moving to the other town away. Wow, college. Good for him!!! I wish mine would have gone to college. They had so much trouble with school though. They were ready for school to be over. I hope later that they find a field of work and go back to school.

you can't imagine how hard.... he would have been 3 hours away from me, he is living in a dorm.. in a room by himself.. I was mostly worried that he would be lonely, and at times I think he is.. but he won't admit it... I spoiled him at home to.. always cooking his meals and preparing all his nighttime healthy snacks..and he was always so grateful... God only knows what he is eating now... but I hope that he took all my lessons I tried to teach him.. but hes coming to visit me this summer.. so I am excited about that. :) .. I can't leave Canada right now to go visit him, because I am in limbo with trying to get permament residence here. *sigh*
Ahh Txgirl, Alix and Debbie! I relate to you all and know that we are only human and lose our patience at times. Tough love can also be a good thing. I too cry like a baby and feel the load of guilt when I have to be hard on the kids but when I see the kids showing respect for one another and others and see that they STILL love me, it makes me feel that I've done something good after all. And Txgirl and Debbie, I'm not in your shoes yet but I know that when my kids move out I'm going to feel lost and lonely. We must prepare ourselves for that and count on our husbands for companionship, love and support at all times. I hope you all feel better soon and here's a virtual HUG to you all.
I can see why some women choose to have 8 kids. You guys are breaking my heart. I don't want my boys to grow up! Sorry to hear about your son moving out tg! At least he will still be close by but I know you're torn apart by him leaving. I have my sick Callum asleep on my chest right now and Aidan has fallen asleep on the couch downstairs but when they wake up I think we'll go have some fun! Make some cookies and a big mess or something!
Mines 21... lives about 30 minutes away from me and it's too far. I want him to move home where I can keep an eye on him. I know he's fine but .. as a mom... I want him closer.

Txg... I know you'll miss having him at home!!!
Probably the roughest spot in my life was when my daughter and her family moved all the way across the country to California and my son went away to school 600 miles away the same summer. I had so many problems I finally went to the doctor and found out I was suffering from depression brought on by those circumstances. I was actually grief stricken. The doctor was very helpful in making me see that my kids were also grief stricken and needed my support with letters and phone calls to keep in touch. It was the best information he could have given me. I started doing things to keep them happy about how life was going and keep their spirits up. I made cookies and sent them to my son and wrote letters to my dd and gd. I think it strengthened our relationships and also helped my kids begin to talk to each other more also. It is very important to do what we can while they are with us, but it is important to be able to stand back at the right time and give them their wings (no matter how much it hurts us). They will thank us for it later in more ways than we can count. My son tells me "Mom, I really was listening when you didn't think I was". He actually heard what I was trying to say!!!
thanks for the reminder Texasgirl.... sometimes its easy to take our children for granted,mine are 15,(16 in april) 11(12 in may) 14,and 1(in april)

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