How long is salsa good for?

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Head Chef
Feb 26, 2006
If it is in the it good until it gets moldy? I'm not sure how long this "opened" jar has been in the fridge.......
I've never had any go moldy but I try to toss all the frig sauces after about 3 months. I wish they all came in smaller bottles.
I've kept salsa in the fridge for...christ, 7, 8 months before I started to worry about it? This was added preservative salsa as opposed to fresh though, so YMMV.
For the life of me I can't recall where I read this just recently, but commercial salsa products, once opened & refrigerated, are supposedly good for a month.

I keep an indelible marker near the fridge, & everytime I open a jar of something or a carton of broth, I always date it.
Last time i made mango salsa, I made it too much and we just did not wanted to eat after while, so it was seating in the refrigerator for nearly a year or more, and it was still good, i made it a bit too spice to begin with.
Was that a "fresh" salsa CharlieD, or a chutney? I can't imagine any fresh fruit salsa lasting more than a week unless it was more of a pickle or a chutney.
SizzlininIN said:
After finally learning out to make a salsa that we love I haven't bought any salsa in the jar since.

Ortega recommends:

Q. 7 to 10 days.

7-10 days? I think they are just trying to get you to throw it out and buy more. Commercial salsa should last way longre than that. I just ate some that has been opened about 2 months ago.
I also learned to make my own, first as a semi necessity as all the bottled salsas are obscenely overpriced here, but now I found out it is so much better made fresh (and easy to make), I wouldn't go back to buying any of those old el paso's even if they are available at reasonable prices...
I only make a modest batch each time and try to use them up within a week.
BreezyCooking said:
Was that a "fresh" salsa CharlieD, or a chutney? I can't imagine any fresh fruit salsa lasting more than a week unless it was more of a pickle or a chutney.

Regular salsa, got the recipe from local news paper. It was seating in the refrigerator ans salt, I think, works as the preservtive. It was not nearly as potent as it was originaly, but it was still good to eat.
urmaniac13 said:
I also learned to make my own, first as a semi necessity as all the bottled salsas are obscenely overpriced here, but now I found out it is so much better made fresh (and easy to make), I wouldn't go back to buying any of those old el paso's even if they are available at reasonable prices...
I only make a modest batch each time and try to use them up within a week.

Alright, you knew it was coming.:LOL: Can I get the recipe? Pretty please?
Wow CharlieD - that must have been a heck of a lot of salt to keep a fresh fruit salsa edible for over a year.

Still, I have to say that keeping any salsa sitting around for a year & then eating it probably is not the safest thing to do. It's too easy to make another fresh one rather than take health chances.
Who said i was eating it, I just did not threw it away. No, there was not a lot of salt, I think like a t.spoon or something, as far as taste goes I would probably even added more salt.
CharlieD said:
Last time i made mango salsa, I made it too much and we just did not wanted to eat after while, so it was seating in the refrigerator for nearly a year or more, and it was still good, i made it a bit too spice to begin with.

Uh - you said it yourself CharlieD. How did you know it was "still good" if you didn't eat it? What exactly do you consider that to mean - "still good"? And if you didn't eat it, how exactly do you know it was "still good"? That you fed some to the dog & the dog didn't die - lol!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, the term "still good", quite frankly means EDIBLE. Perhaps you have another definition for it? "
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Well, you didn't say that in your previous post, did you? You said "Who said I was eating it, I threw it away". Make up your mind.

Frankly, if you did in fact really taste this stuff after it sat in your fridge for over a year, you're not only lucky you didn't become ill, but are lucky to be alive.

Having nearly died from food poisoning, I know.
I said "I did not threw it away", and that was the reason it was seating in the refrigerator for so long. I kept hoping that somebody would eat it. Read carefully first berfore telling people to make up their mind.

Maybe I was lucky or maybe you were unlucky. I make this mmm, I don't know what it is called but it is kind of salsa, in the way. I make a huge badge(sp?) in the summer when vegies are cheap and use it almost till next summer.(the recipe is in the "ukrainian food" thread)
Now wait a minute. I'm not trying to "not be nice". But if someone posts that a fresh-fruit mango salsa is good to eat after sitting in the fridge for over a year, I reserve the absolute right to counterpost that that's a definite route to food poisoning. Not to mention - salt or not - that I can't believe it wouldn't be unappetizingly green.

If you take the time to scroll back thru these posts, I specifically asked CharlieD if perhaps his recipe was more of a chutney or pickle. I didn't recieve any response.

I'm not trying to be nasty - just trying to keep someone else reading these posts from thinking that a fresh-fruit salsa is edible after a year in the fridge. Like I said in my last post - food poisoning is something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

CharlieD said he tasted his Mango Salso after it had been in his fridge for over a year. Even though it might be over on the "Ukranian Foods" thread, perhaps he might want to repost it here. It might very well be more of a chutney or preserve - but a salsa it cannot be. Not if it was still good to eat after a year.

Again - I'm not trying to be unpleasant. I'm just trying to keep someone from ending up sick.

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