Another pie crust question

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I do, usually when making pasta frolla, or italian pastry. It makes the crust or pastry a bit more 'cookie-like', heavier. Definitely not as flaky.
it's called pate brisee (don't quote me on the spelling) and generally has a tablespoon or two of sugar also. i wouldn't use it for an american style pie, but it's good for small tarts.
A pate brisee contains no suger, and can be used for any type of pie, A pate sucree has the sugar and is best kept for dessert pies.
I've never put egg yolk in my crusts, but do brush some beaten egg yoolk on the bottom ctust before filling and baking.
Thanks for your help everyone. Someone suggested egg yolk to me and wondered how that would work. Made my crusts earlier today but next time I will try 1 whole egg. Thumpershere, would that whole egg be for a single or double crust recipe?
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