Cheese soup help

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Sous Chef
Dec 4, 2007
Austin, TX.
Will this recipe work?

Totally made up..

I have

2 cp. cheese dip leftover from football party 90% velveeta, 10 % rotel canned tomatos..

fry up a handfull of vegies, onions, bell pepper, carrot, garlic...
what ever you have/ like

add 2 cp. chix broth from can..

heat all slowley , then add 1 cp milk.

I think I tried this last year, but the soup "broke" into curdle chunks, still ok but not creamy..

I think a nice guy from Ft. Worth said, use heavy cream not milk?

some recipies seem to start with a Roux first?

Thanks, Eric Austin Tx.
It's the milk that did it. Use heavy cream. You won't really need a roux. Do the vegetables first, then deglaze the pan with a bit of booze. Add the cream and simmer for a while as it thickens. Add the cheese last, giving it enough time to melt and heat through. Serve..
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