What's for Dinner Tuesday June 23, 2009

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Wow, I get to start this? Pretty good for a late rising west coaster!

Well, good enough to BBQ again so I think it will be hamburgers and smokies. I will do my potatoes again like I did yesterday - sliced 1/4" thick with sliced red onion in a foil packet with olive oil, seasonings and herbs. Plus a couple of salads.

What's everyone else having?
Not sure yet. Just cleaned out the fridge to find the awful smelling stuff that was stinking it up. (small thing of lettuce rotted in the bottom of the crisper drawer). Need to get that smell out of my nose before I even think of cooking!
I'm fixing my hubby's favorite tonight. Taters, eggs, and turkey bacon. :)
I'm thawing some ground beef and going to make mini meatballs..browned in the oven. Then, in the crock-pot is going to be tomato sauce, and assorted vegies (mushrooms, red onon, etc). The meatballs will be added to that to cook this afternoon. I'm, going to have that sauce over some seasoned, roasted potato chunks. I feel like having rustic, comfort food today.

For Mark, a small/breaded chicken breast in sauce with some of the roasted potatoes and roasted carrots/celery.
eggplant & portabello (both large dice) & petite diced tomatoes, a few great northern beans, tomato sauce, a healthy dose of garlic, fresh basil, oregano, sage, & other seasonings simmered together. lite bread as a dipper, maybe. possibly over whole wheat pasta.
Not sure yet. Just cleaned out the fridge to find the awful smelling stuff that was stinking it up. (small thing of lettuce rotted in the bottom of the crisper drawer). Need to get that smell out of my nose before I even think of cooking!

i have the same smell. gonna check fridg.again. left over steak used in a stir fry. sounds good to me. will see how it works out.
sometimes ominous odors drift from my fridge. i cringe trying to find them.

Unless it's cheese, don't put it in your mouth lol! I actually hate it when that happens. I am sort of phobic about green stuff growing hair, I found a pea that had white hair and freaked out. Scares the heck out of me.
I'm gonna cook a ribeye on the grill, with what I thought would be a baked potato, but after reading LPB's post, I think I'll do the foil wrap method:chef:
Unless it's cheese, don't put it in your mouth lol! I actually hate it when that happens. I am sort of phobic about green stuff growing hair, I found a pea that had white hair and freaked out. Scares the heck out of me.

aw, that's adorable. a fuzzy pea would freak me out, too! often here it's the lunchmeat drawer!:ohmy:
Take along something

We have a swim meet tonight. Fruit salad definitely: D'anjou pears, Gala apples, raspberries, blueberries, peaches, bananas. I'm also thinking along the lines of wraps using the leftover TexMex braised short rib meat from Father's Day dinner. Now I need to decide what else to put in the wraps.
yum, i love tasso! though very spicy. maybe carry a roll of charmin with you for the next day!

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