What's for Dinner, it's Friday! June 25

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Master Chef
Apr 18, 2005
Northern New Mexico
am fixing chicken, wanted to do baked, but will do crock pot cause it's so hot...friends are coming over and they are feeling bad because dh won't eat at anyones house anymore, so they are bringing an unknown veggie and dessert..will also serve rice and fresh bread

What are you fixing?
Right now I'm planning to grill some sausages we pick up on sale last weekend. Probably salad and fresh veggies as sides.
Last night my wife bought some ready to cook chicken Florentine, but we were both to tired to eat by the time it was done. So today I'll chop it up and add it to some sauteed mushrooms and onions. Then some farfalle and alfredo sauce
I have a sirloin steak marinating at the moment and will have corn on the cob and probably a green salad - maybe another veggie if I can decide on one. I made a peach kuchen for dessert.
Right now I'm planning to grill some sausages we pick up on sale last weekend. Probably salad and fresh veggies as sides.

I ran by the store to pick up some buns and they had fresh local corn, the 1st of the season!!! YAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! So it will be grilled corn as the side!!

Update: the corn was not that great. I think I may go up to the farmer's market in the morning and get some fresh picked from the Amish.
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I made a berry soup to start us off it's in the refrigerator getting nice and cold. Then a vermicelli salad with eggs,celery, tiny sweet pickles,green onions, avocado.and shrimp. Dressing made with mayo,pickle juice, salt and pepper, top with fresh chopped parsley and a squeeze or two of lemon juice. Warmed Italian bread and butter. Soft serve ice cream for dessert.
i think i just had my dinner. a big fat egg salad sandwich on dark rye fresh bread. it is hot so think that will be it and maybe some blueberries later. seems somehow to hot for fish frying.
Was going have home-made pizza, but Mum bleached the counters and the smell was so awefull we ended up having to go to Pizza Hut! :LOL: Hope that the kitchen will be ready for Brekfast tomorrow, just bought some fresh strawberries, and I got a new waffle maker!
Last night I made an absolutely lovely Frittata, using up some of the week's farmers market produce (various baby summer squashes, baby/new potatoes, sweet onions, early tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, etc.). I made an effort to prepare each ingredient individually beforehand, & ended up with a light & flavorful end product. Served in wedges with a farmers market big green salad on the side. Perfect for a hot humid evening.
Going to play with my son's "browngrass" band at a downtown arts festival, so may pick up something there. They have a variety of interesting choices. We are going to hang out, listen to music, and browse through the art.
Going to play with my son's "browngrass" band at a downtown arts festival, so may pick up something there. They have a variety of interesting choices. We are going to hang out, listen to music, and browse through the art.

What is a browngrass band? I've never heard that. I know what bluegrass is and I don't care for it.
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