Watermelon & Strawberry Lemonade

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I love lemonade and experiment with flavours. I had some watermelon and strawberries I needed to use up so I decided to try it....now I am hooked!

Watermelon & Strawberry Lemonade
6 cups chopped watermelon, seeds (white or black) removed
2 cups chopped strawberries
1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 tablespoons finely grated lemon zest
sugar or Splenda to taste (I use about 2/3 cup Splenda)
3 - 4 mint leaves, chopped (optional)
2 cups water

Optional Garnishes:
fresh mint leaves - a small sprig for each glass
lemon wedges or half slices, one for each glass

In a blender or food processor, combine the watermelon, strawberries, lemon juice, zest, sugar and mint, and process until well blended with no chunks. Put this through a sieve to remove any seeds or chunks. Add the water and stir.

Pour into ice filled glasses and garnish with mint leaves and/or lemon wedges if desired.
I just found some nice fresh strawberries at our favourite produce market so I will be making some more tonight!

Hope you like it!

What are you painting?
I just found some nice fresh strawberries at our favourite produce market so I will be making some more tonight!

Hope you like it!

What are you painting?

Woodwork and walls. :glare: 21 years ago, I moved here and said, "These beige walls have got to go"....and now....:angel: I'm doing anything and everything to avoid the task tonight...like...it's getting too dark to paint now...so will start again tomorrow. :cool: Sad, isn't it?
Well, make a large batch of the lemonade, put it in the hollowed out watermelon shell in your portable watermelon cooler, add some vodka, stick in a straw and in half an hour or less you won't even notice what colour those walls are! :whistling
Momma always accused me of looking at the world through rose colored glasses. Strawberry-Watermelon-Lemonade-colored glasses will work just fine!
Woodwork and walls. :glare: 21 years ago, I moved here and said, "These beige walls have got to go"....and now....:angel: I'm doing anything and everything to avoid the task tonight...like...it's getting too dark to paint now...so will start again tomorrow. :cool: Sad, isn't it?

painting sucks. at my age i hire someone to do it. the guy that painted my bedroom furniture],all white did a great job. would have taken me forever. i get to tired. (cool excuse huh!!)
your lemonade is spot on for us. The kids are going to love it. Sunday it's on the menu, thanks.
Thanks Kades, let me know how you like it. I don't always strain it, depends on the seeds and what texture you like.
your lemonade is spot on for us. The kids are going to love it. Sunday it's on the menu, thanks.
Thanks Kades, let me know how you like it. I don't always strain it, depends on the seeds and what texture you like.

How much does this make? If it goes over well with my grandchildren, I will need plenty!!:chef:
I get about 8 to 10 cups out of it, depending on whether I strain it or not and how much I blend it down.
Well, make a large batch of the lemonade, put it in the hollowed out watermelon shell in your portable watermelon cooler, add some vodka, stick in a straw and in half an hour or less you won't even notice what colour those walls are! :whistling
Laurie, I picked one of my watermekons and added strawberrys from the garden was this good. kide did a great job helping me we are full and happy what was left is getting chilled for later. Thanks.kades
Just finished making this recipe - it's amazing, to say the least. So refreshing! Thanks for sharing.
Your recipe looks wonderful, and the added finely grated lemon zest must add a pleasant sharpness to counteract any excessive sweetness. I'm going to make at the weekend. Many thanks!
Just found this recipe - sounds delish, but I will have to wait until next strawberry season to try it out. Ahw!!
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