Creamy Turkey (or Chicken) Confetti Soup

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
Creamy Turkey (or Chicken) Confetti Soup

  • Turkey stock (or chicken stock) - canned or Homemade
  • Original Uncle Ben's Wild and white rice (seasoning pack NOT used)
  • Cooked Turkey (or chicken) (I roasted a turkey & used leftover turkey for soup) - chopped small
  • Bacon - cooked, drained and crumbled (some dripping may be used for the fat in the roux
  • Scallions (green onions) - cleaned well and chopped, greens included
  • Pimiento stuffed green olives - chopped fine
  • Chives - chopped
  • Salt
  • Ground peppercorns
  • Turkey (or chicken) gravy ( I used leftover turkey gravy from the turkey dinner) - optional
Amounts depend on how much soup you want to make and how thick you want it to be.

  1. Cook the rice in the stock till tender (approx. 20 - 30 minutes).
  2. Add remaining ingredients. Add more stock if necessary after rice is cooked till you have desired amount of soup.
  3. Simmer an additional 5 - 10 minutes.
  4. Then add the creamy part of soup.(For the creamy part follow recipe below)
To make the cream part of soup:

  • Flour
  • Butter (or a combo of butter and bacon fat)
  • 1/2 and 1/2
  • Salt
  • Ground peppercorns
  1. Cook flour in butter (equal amounts of each) for 1 - 2 minutes.
  2. Add enough 1/2 & 1/2 to make a very thick mixture. Add salt and ground peppercorns to taste.
  3. Cook for about 1 minute stirring.
  4. Then add to the soup. Stir well and gently simmer for 5 minutes. DO NOT BOIL OR YOU RISK BREAKING THE CREAM.
(Sorry I don't have exact measurements as I made this recipe up. But the only part you need to worry about is the cream part and you can always make more and add it to soup till you get it the way you like it. Start off small and add more if necessary. Add more stock or milk or cream or 1/2 & 1/2 or a combo if to thick.)


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I remember you posted that pic before...I got your instructions and copied and pasted...definitely want to try that!
Thanks for the detailed instructions. They copied and pasted perfectly. I like to do that so that I can change the font and font size to make it easier for me to read. I use Comic Sans MS 16 point font for my cookbook pages. I can stick them to the fridge with a magnet while I'm making that particular dish.

I also like having full size pages instead of 3x5 cards, as it leaves me lots of room to make notes like substitutions.

Thanks. This one is high on my list of must haves.
Okay, folks, I tried to make MsMofet's confetti soup, and although there ended up lots of substitutions, I can say that this recipe is great.

What I ended up with was different stock, different meat, but the same basic color oriented soup. It was beautiful to behold and incredibly delicious. Try it. You'll be happy you did. Definitely on my TNT list.
That soup is just beautiful, and thanks for the instructions. What a perfect
name for it!! I will be making it soon.

Z...about putting your full page recipes on the fridge.....I clip a "chips clip" to the top of mine, open the cupboard next to my stove, lay the clip inside and shut the door. It hangs there easy to see, and out of the way. Try it, you'll like it. ;):brows:
That soup is just beautiful, and thanks for the instructions. What a perfect
name for it!! I will be making it soon.

Z...about putting your full page recipes on the fridge.....I clip a "chips clip" to the top of mine, open the cupboard next to my stove, lay the clip inside and shut the door. It hangs there easy to see, and out of the way. Try it, you'll like it. ;):brows:
Thank you K!! Please post a review after you do.
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