Picasa and Picasa Web Albums

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
I uploaded some Easter pictures to Picasa Web Albums yesterday. It's the first time I've uploaded pics to the internet to share. Doing some exploring today, I discover there is the web album site for sharing pictures and Picasa software to download for editing pictures.

I have a Mac and have been using iPhoto for editing and viewing.

What do you know about the Picasas - pros and cons? Do you recommend the Picasas or something else instead?

I use picasa and web albums on the Mac, iPad, and iPhone for subjects that I want to centralize and access from virtually any device.

In terms of photo editing it is simpler to use than iPhoto but I don't think it produces as good results. Picasa works great for editing shots to post on the web. However, I wouldn't choose to use it for high resolution work.

Like most tools I think it has a particular use. But not a replacement for all things.
I use Picasa a lot. Is the software available for Mac now? It does a lovely job of simple fixes and saves a copy of the original in a subfolder when you save changes.
I am probably the last person you want to see responding to a computer question:LOL:, but I use Picasa. When dh got me my recent new computer I didn't want a separate photo editing program installed (Hi Laurie:blush:) because of my past difficulties in learning a Roxio program. One of my BIL's highly recommended the Picasa program. With my current mental state I still haven't learned how to use it well, but I have always been able to use their help program to do what I needed to do. I am happy with it.
Thanks to you all.

.40, cn you use iPhoto and Picasa side by side? e.g. if I want to use iPhoto for managing my photos and other stuff but Picasa has one or two features not available in iPhoto, can I go back and forth?
Thanks to you all.

.40, cn you use iPhoto and Picasa side by side? e.g. if I want to use iPhoto for managing my photos and other stuff but Picasa has one or two features not available in iPhoto, can I go back and forth?

I don't know about iPhoto, but I use Picasa side by side with IrfanView. I sort my photos into folders (directories) using Windog's file system.

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