ISO Air Fryer Experiences

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
Our house really likes Katsu, either Chicken or Pork fried cutlets.
I'm not thrilled with the mess that even shallow frying makes.
I keep hearing alot about Air Fryers, so I did a WWW search for
recipes and found a ton.

So my questions to the group is:

What is your own experience with an Air Fryer?

What do you make with it?

Are you happy with your purchase?
They ain't cheap and I'm not sure if I want another small kitchen appliance... I really don't fry alot of stuff.

Any comments, suggestions, ideas, recipes all of the above would be most appreciated.
I'm curious too. We have a nice fryer, but it takes a ton of oil, and then it taints the oil, so you need to change it all the time.
I make my crunchy cutlets in the oven. Preheat to 475, do your breading, put the meat on a rack on a sheet pan, so the hot air circulates all around it, and bake for 15 minutes. Perfectly done and nice and crispy :yum:
I make my crunchy cutlets in the oven. Preheat to 475, do your breading, put the meat on a rack on a sheet pan, so the hot air circulates all around it, and bake for 15 minutes. Perfectly done and nice and crispy :yum:

That's exactly how I make my chicken cutlets!! I spritz mine with oil though.

I've made oven fried breaded chicken that way too.

You're right, the air circulation is important.
We got an air fryer .
I forgot what my wife made , but I do remember it tasted good.

Biggest problem was limited amount of cooking space.
I think she made breaded eggplant cutlets in the fryer. Was relatively quick, had a decent outer crunch, but only able to do like a few at a time. So even thought cook time was relatively quick, by the time she made enough to actually make a full dish with, the cooking time was the same. But ,obviously without being saturated in oil.

Used it 2 or 3 times, haven't used it since ( at least 1 year ago)
I make my crunchy cutlets in the oven. Preheat to 475, do your breading, put the meat on a rack on a sheet pan, so the hot air circulates all around it, and bake for 15 minutes. Perfectly done and nice and crispy :yum:
Oops, I forgot to mention the cooking spray. That definitely helps with browning.
I'm going to have to try this. My toaster oven does convection. I'll have to figure out what to do instead of spritzing with oil. I don't own a spritzer for oil.
We rarely "deep fry". We do have a deep fryer, but usually opt for a large sauce pan, so it sits unused on a shelf. An air fryer would just take up space.
BUMP ...

I'm rejuvenating this thread only because I'm hoping that
in almost a years time, others have either purchased an Air Fryer
or maybe a newbie can share their thoughts.

I like fried chicken and cutlets; my new gas range
does not have a convection setting to it.

What else could I do with an Air Fryer?
I bought one, because I’m a sucker for the newest fad. I used it twice. I can do the same thing in the oven, with a greater volume of food, so what’s the point? Selling mine on LetGo.

People should not leave me alone with a computer or iPad late at night!
I have a Gowise 5.8 quart air fryer. There is only the 2 of us so I use it instead of my big oven. Grill veggies, steak and potatoes, and even roasted a 4 lb chicken. And yes, I fry all kinds of thing as cleanup takes moments with no oil to deal with. We stopped deep frying due to the oil....

Had it for the last 6, 7 months. I did get one of the larger ones but to reviews suggesting that most are on smaller size.

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I have a Gowise 5.8 quart air fryer. There is only the 2 of us so I use it instead of my big oven. Grill veggies, steak and potatoes, and even roasted a 4 lb chicken. And yes, I fry all kinds of thing as cleanup takes moments with no oil to deal with. We stopped deep frying due to the oil....

Had it for the last 6, 7 months. I did get one of the larger ones but to reviews suggesting that most are on smaller size.


Just to clarify. You cannot grill or actually fry anything in an air fryer. Its a convection oven. You can "oven fry" which is a good approximation of frying food.

Its good for reheating and baking small things. Its great for roasting brussels sprouts and other vegetables.
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