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Assistant Cook
Apr 8, 2004
Westchester, NY
I am making some brownies from a recipe that doesn't call for any baking powder/soda - just 8 eggs. Is this typical for brownies? (sorry for such a dumb question - I'm not much of a baker..just a cook).


It's not a dumb question! You don't learn if you don't ask. Of course you won't learn anything from my answer either! I can only go by the brownie recipe I use. It has 2 eggs and 1/2 teaspoon baking powder. Eight eggs seems like a lot. Is it a big batch? Sorry I couldn't really be of much help!

Not a dumb question at all.

Wonderful brownies can be made without baking powder. My recipe has none. Just make sure that you follow the preparation instructions closely, since there might be a leavening method built in to the procedures such as creaming the sugar/butter.

I actually go to great lengths to get air out of my brownies. I like them dense. Soft, yes, but dense also.
Mmmmm brownies... My recipe calls for 4 eggs and is not a big batch...I don't have any leavening in mine either. Thats how we like 'em...really gooey and dense.
Whenever I make brownies (which is fairly often) I dont use baking powder at all, I find that it makes them more cake like and dry. Go ahead and add a half teaspoon if you dont like them that way but my preference is a big dense brownie that gets you nice and full!
just wondering wat are baking powders and baking soda for? ....i mean wat does it exactly do in the brownies that we bake? coz i just follow the recipes w/o even knowing what those 2 really does, will it make any difference if we don't include them in the recipes?

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