Dinner, Tuesday the 9th

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Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
What's on the menu for you guys? Time to think about defrosting a TV dinner or running to the gas station to score some day-old sushi.

Tonight is our condo board's annual Christmas dinner. We're headed to a local Italian restaurant this year. After perusing the menu, I've decided to have the Grand Marnier shrimp for an appetizer and the chianti braised short ribs for a main course. Soup is a possibility too. The other board members always leave the wine selection to me. Dessert is open as the online menu didn't include desserts.

This is the fourth day in a row of holiday parties. I've probably will have ingested an extra week's worth of food.
Well, no TV dinners on hand....

But I do have a ribeye defrosting. And there is raw spinach to use up, so the steak will likely be paired up with a salad of some sort.
Thinking of making some pesto jalapeno pizza with spicy chicken toppings (using a ready made corn meal crust). I've made this a couple of times before and gets done pretty quick; hence the perfect solution for a weeknight dinner !
I made a massive batch of lentil soup, but we already had some for lunch. Have some Canadian bacon and eggs to use up, so I'm thinking baked eggs in bacon cups.
Baked scrod, Brussels sprouts/bacon/mushrooms sauteed, and a bag of seasoned rice mix. Don't expect all three things on the plate from-scratch, I've done 2 of 3 loads of laundry and have been cleaning. :huh: More like doing laundry to avoid cleaning. :LOL: Got a fresh batch of spinach so I'll probably toss green and black olives and a tomato on top and call it salad.
I'm thinking grilled ham and cheese sandwiches with maybe some tomato soup. We also have left over meatloaf and mashed taters that could get an encore. We'll see what to eat when the time comes. Trying to put up the tree today.
Tonight's menu features pork steaks browned with sweet onions, buttered baby lima beans, baked sweet potatoes, iced tea. No dessert because we're saving our calories for the holiday.:):)

Katie, could you please explain this concept to my husband?
He's been bugging me to make some desserts ever since we got back from our Thanksgiving trek and I keep saying "NO!" Wait until later and we're going to have oodles of goodies... cakes, cookies, candies, adult beverages with loads of calories ;) I have this recipe for homemade Egg Nog that you add even more decadence to with BR's Jamoca Almond Fudge Ice Cream!
Tonight we'll be having one of our favorite meals.

Pan fried thick loin lamb chops (Costco), seasoned with Herbs de Provence, and served with Coleman's mint sauce (the best), tri colored rice with dried wild mushrooms, and steamed broccolini.
All these dinners sound so good. I can't believe how lax I've been as far as cooking and creativity lately. :( Hopefully after Christmas I'll get back into the swing of things. :)

Still using up things from the freezer to make room for Christmas ham. Tonight's dinner was potstickers, edamame with garlic and sesame oil, and a green salad.
Frittata with bacon, chopped red and green bells, onions and parm and gruyere cheese with home fries. Divided up and used the bacon grease to lightly sauté peppers and onions and let cool before adding the egg mixture and cheeses, and used the rest with vege oil to cook the potatoes.
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