Menu For Voluntary Self-Containment

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Wannabe TV Chef
Aug 2, 2014
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
DH and I have decided that we're not going to be around folks for a bit, what with all the craziness going in this MAD MAD WORLD right now.

My larder is well stocked, which includes a case of Three Buck Chuck :LOL:
I'm pretty confident that I won't need to go to any stores for at least two weeks, we'll just let this all of this blow over.

DAY 1:





Bacon and Trader Joe's Pecan Kringle,
add a cup of Tea and I'm good :yum:




PS Spam Fried Rice




The rain let up long enough for me to grill a nice
Flank Steak & Crimini Mushrooms,
add an Oven Baked (vs microwaved) Potato with all the fixin's,
a chopped Salad and a glass (or three ;)) of Wine


~Author's Note: No, we don't HAVE to staying in,
we are simply choosing to do so.
At this rate, we may be gaining a few pounds :LOL:
Funny I went to Trader Joe’s today and ALL bread was sold out except that Danish Kringle one. Never had it but didn’t think it sold well since it was the only one in stock. No joke. I only recognize it because of today.
Funny I went to Trader Joe’s today and ALL bread was sold out except that Danish Kringle one. Never had it but didn’t think it sold well since it was the only one in stock. No joke. I only recognize it because of today.


Oh MY!!!
GA1, Kringle is delicious!
I hope you bought one, they're a wonderful filled "Danish"
We really like the Pecan flavor the best.
I just so happened to have one in our deep freeze, so that comprised our breakfast, and snacks too ;) a whole one is pretty big, dontcha know :LOL:
K-Girl, to each their own. Many of you guys think Kringles are wonderful. Himself and I personally think that they are overrated.

Different strokes and all. ;)
K-Girl, to each their own. Many of you guys think Kringles are wonderful. Himself and I personally think that they are overrated.

Different strokes and all. ;)


CG, that was just part of our day … the BEST was dinner! :yum:

I'm going to make our meals strictly from what I have on hand, no stores for at least two weeks, maybe longer.
I needed to empty out our deep freeze so that I can de-frost it, so this is like a blessing in disguise :ninja:
Great idea for a thread!

I took stock of what I had on hand and filled in with a few additional purchases.

The thing that I've noticed already is that the better stocked the pantry the more I tend to eat!!! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

I'm interested in hearing about some shelf-stable options that don't require refrigeration. I have my old standbys like oatmeal, legumes, tuna, peanut butter, etc...

I'm curious about other items that folks have tried or revived.

One that is new to me is shelf-stable milk. I picked up a quart but I haven't had a need to open it yet.
Great idea for a thread!

I took stock of what I had on hand and filled in with a few additional purchases.

The thing that I've noticed already is that the better stocked the pantry the more I tend to eat!!! :ermm::ohmy::LOL:

I'm interested in hearing about some shelf-stable options that don't require refrigeration. I have my old standbys like oatmeal, legumes, tuna, peanut butter, etc...

I'm curious about other items that folks have tried or revived.

One that is new to me is shelf-stable milk. I picked up a quart but I haven't had a need to open it yet.

One of our favourite shelf stable options are the Indian ready dishes. They are usually made with only food, no weird chemicals and can be heated in the bag in boiling water or in the microwave. One brand can be heated in the bag in the MW.

These are the brands we usually buy:

Tasty Bite

Kitchens of India - Authentic Indian Cuisine

They usually have no heat (spice heat).
There’s a monster in the house, and it’s under the bed. That’s ok. We have perfected falling asleep on the sofa And sharing a blanket while watching movies. Also years of practice being exiled to the couch, alone, so to speak.

The double whammy for us is that while we may have intermittent warmer days, mostly it’s still winter.

Not much grilling yet, which I’m anxious to do. Still soup weather. I have a ham bone squirreled away for another pot of split pea soup and SO is talking about making her chili recipe again soon. Thanks to those nice people at Bush’s Bake Beans, I scored two cans of authentic red beans, not kidney beans. I’ve always wanted to learn how to make red beans and rice. Now I need to lay my hands on some andouille sausage.

We have a freezer full of foods, multi packages of various meats, frozen veggies and some fruits.

Costco and Amazon both offer free delivery, perishables included, certain criteria applies. SO replenished her supply of shelf stable organic almond milk with an order from one of them. She uses some daily to make morning smoothies. Refrigerate carton after opening is all.

About the only things I can think of that we possibly need pretty soon are bread, eggs and ice cream. I’m thinking about buying some frozen bread or dough balls. Baking made easy.

One of the things we started doing is putting what we buy at the store directly into a cloth shopping bag(s), no need to wipe down a cart or touch hard surfaces. Unload at the counter and load directly back into a secondary bag while unloading the first. It’s easier as a 2 person operation. Our primary stores do not offer self check out yet.

I’m cleared to make oven baked bbq ribs(today) w/ baked taters; pineapple upside down cake this weekend and next week ham and scalloped potatoes.
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Aunt Bea, I have a stock pile of shelf-stable condiments
that I have "Cockroached" as we say in Hawaii
aka Five-Finger-Discount from various
sandwich counters in my travels


and a good thing too boy!

I went to make sandwiches for our lunch today, and found my last little bit of Mayo in the `fridge door was CHUNKY!!! :LOL:
Day 2



Leftover Fried Rice, Bacon and Scrambled Eggs,
sshh!!! There's 2 whites to 1 whole egg in there :LOL:




Tuna Melt, MMM! :yum:




I went deep freezer diving and came up with Local-Style Beef Stew
that I made last month, divvied up and froze for several meals ;)
I had bought a chunk of fresh Horseradish Root to try...
I grated it over the top of each bowl of Local Stew And Rice,
THAT was delicious!!
My Mother had ranted and raved that fresh Horseradish would blow
your head off … NOT! It gave the Stew a nice back-ground note.

CG, that was just part of our day … the BEST was dinner! :yum:

I'm going to make our meals strictly from what I have on hand, no stores for at least two weeks, maybe longer.
I needed to empty out our deep freeze so that I can de-frost it, so this is like a blessing in disguise :ninja:

I'm doing the same thing. If I need anything else, I'll order it online. The only place I'll be going, other than home, is work. And I'm not too worried about that situation because it's a small office with only my boss and I and one extra occasional person who comes in to work the warehouse.

I too need to defrost the deep freeze. Been wanting to do it for a long time. I've got chicken, fish, frozen bagged meals (that I order from Schwan's) and meatballs and bacon, frozen breads, a couple of frozen pizzas, etc.

I've also got plenty of wine :LOL:

(although the wine isn't kept in the freezer, of course)
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We were discussing this on another site, and it made me check that inventory list I have, for the freezer and the pantry. I'm not one of those so called survivalists, but I do have a lot of food around, that I pick up on sales, clearances, etc, and most are vacuum sealed, and some frozen. So I could stay here until I start harvesting again, and probably a lot longer. Just not many fruits, or dairy products - not something I can grow here.

I roughly added up the things in my inventory notebooks, and I have just over 40 lbs of various dried legumes (this isn't including what's already in the kitchen, so it's probably well over 50 lbs), 60+ lbs of grains and flours, and over 50 lbs of poultry, meat, and seafood in the freezer, plus 18 pints of chili, soups, curries, and the like. Then there's all the vegetables in the freezer (not to mention the dehydrated stuff) from last year, I've been saying that I really have to start using up (just used 2 pints of okra tonight), before I start harvesting again. Oh yeah - there's still 14 butternuts, that I have to use up! Those Polaris butternuts are the longest storing variety I have found.

And then there's all that chocolate...:)
Chocolate and cocoa, in storage. by pepperhead212, on Flickr
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The dilemma is, are we "apocalypse cooking" or "plenty-of-time" cooking?

I love the thought of "plenty-of-time" cooking, but it does run one out of ingredients more quickly. I'm doubling my purchase of eggs from a nearby farm today. Since I made some nice, rich pancakes for breakfast
Day 3

At least our house smells nice!



I was taking stock of my Spice Rack in the Pantry,
and found this jar of Mulling Spice, Hmmm!
I had sectioned two Oranges for our breakfast this morning and
thought that I'd put a small pot on the back burner to
perfume the house.
Not that it needed it, I just thought that might brighten the mood
around our neck of the "desert".
… snipped … If I need anything else, I'll order it online.

Ya know Linda, I tried that too, from Walmart Grocery, but they cancelled my order at the very last minute! I was getting to head up to the store to pick up my order and I got an email that it had been cancelled and to call their 800# ---- the nice young gal on the end of the phone said that since our Governor had declared a state of emergency, Walmart choose to not fulfill any further online orders :huh:, that I was welcome to go into our local Walmart in person … no thank you very much! :devilish: that place is just too dang NUTS!!!

… snipped … I'm not one of those so called survivalists, but I do have a lot of food around, that I pick up on sales, clearances, etc, and most are vacuum sealed, and some frozen.

I'm with ya on that one PH! I do the exact same thing, with in reason of course. Which is why I have a Dry Erase board on my Deep Freeze (read: Chest Freezer) out in the garage.
Everyday, DH has been asking me since our Self Containment, "Do we have enough?" Yes Dear! Did you see my inventory? We're good! :winkiss:

… snipped …
I love the thought of "plenty-of-time" cooking, but it does run one out of ingredients more quickly.

My take on that thought Pellice is that yes, I will run out of goods more quickly. So what I've done is prioritize what I do have.
For instance, I started to make some Fresh Handmade Pasta for Sunday Supper, but I make mine with Eggs. I've got a 12 pounds of Dried Pasta in the Pantry.
Let's use that first and save the Eggs for a nice, comforting Breakfast :boxing:
I'm picking my battles
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I totally forgot about all that pasta! It's not in the inventory lists in the basement - 2 tubs upstairs have 22 lbs of misc types of pasta, plus a large amount of rice noodles and cellophane noodles. Another couple months worth of food.
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Is this today's dinner thread ??

Well, it's not your Granny's Sunday Spread.............. But it sufficed !

Pulled Pork BBQ Sandwiches, Air Fries, Butternut Mash ........

Pulled Pork BBQ, Butternut Mash.jpg
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