Thursday, 8/3/2017, are you grillin and chillin?

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011
We will be. Ground lamb mixed with various spices/herbs, formed into kebobs, then grilled. Tzatziki on the side. Maybe Greek potatoes depending on how hungry Craig is. Saganaki as an appy.
We certainly aren't "Chillin'" here. It is currently 19 Celsius with a chance for a high of 29. We have a smoke cloud overhead which actually makes it feel hotter, not to mention tough to breathe.

TB doesn't want to add any more smoke for me so we won't be grillin' either. I have some cooked taco meat in the freezer so will heat that up in the microwave and chop up all the fixings.

In other words, it is taco Thursday!
Not sure at the moment.

I have an appointment with an allergy doctor. My head and ears are so stuffed up. My head is pounding from sinus pressure. Skin under my eyes and my eye lids are red and swollen. My eyes themselves and the surrounding skin burns like fire. So I called closest allergist and got me in today. I thought I had a summer cold till my eyes went crazy.
We certainly aren't "Chillin'" here. It is currently 19 Celsius with a chance for a high of 29. We have a smoke cloud overhead which actually makes it feel hotter, not to mention tough to breathe.

TB doesn't want to add any more smoke for me so we won't be grillin' either. I have some cooked taco meat in the freezer so will heat that up in the microwave and chop up all the fixings.

In other words, it is taco Thursday!

Those would be chillin termperatures for us considering it doesn't get a whole lot lower here in the dead of night right now than your daytime high.
Those would be chillin termperatures for us considering it doesn't get a whole lot lower here in the dead of night right now than your daytime high.

Ouch! And I believe it is more humid where you are. We really aren't used to it being this hot this long. And with all the fires we are almost begging for the usual summer rains that we complain about! :rolleyes:
Jeannie had to order eyeglasses at Costco so, we dropped into her fave Chinese joint..

Veggies in a clear broth, pork chow mein, fried rice, small salad and fried wontons with a sweet and sour sauce.. $5.45... Drink extra... Good food, good value..

I set out brioche slices to dry so, I'll put together bread pudding for later...

I don't fire up the grill when it is this hot and dry. Too hot for one thing, but also our porch is low and covered and we are surrounded by dry grass and brush.

We'll probably be doing a salad of some kind.
I'm going on vacation tomorrow, so tonight means either eating or tossing leftovers.

So are you taking the "Vacation Eve Challenge" to eat all leftovers that can't be frozen tonight? Hopefully your garbage P/U is tomorrow or you've made arrangements with a neighbor to put out/take back your cans.:LOL:
I grilled yesterday and it was so hot out there I didn't have a good time at all. With an ice water soaked dish towel over my head I was sure purdy too.:wacko:
Tonight it's Taco Salad. ;)
Lol, K-L, about the towel. My son uses a special stretchy but absorbant material neck gator for when he has had baseball or football practices in the heat. You wet it then freeze it. Feels great around your head when it's really hot out.

We grilled tonight. Buffalo burgers, Hebrew National reduced fat hot dogs (the best lower fat dogs in the world, imo), with sides of salted fresh cucumber sticks, organic grape tomatoes, and some weird gluten free bean chips.
Saganaki, I actually managed to get a pic of it this time. Served with the rest of the homemade pita from last week that I froze.


Lamb kebobs

med, how did you flame the Saganaki?

And the lamb looks great. What's the red-ish sauce?
Ouzo and romesco, not Greek, but I didn't want Greek tomato sauce again. I didn't realize a lot of places marinate the cheese in ouzo for up to a couple of hours before cooking. Flour the cheese, cook in olive oil till brownish and starting to melt, pour in ouzo from marinade, off heat, and light. Fair warning, ouzo REALLY flares up.
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Not sure at the moment.

I have an appointment with an allergy doctor. My head and ears are so stuffed up. My head is pounding from sinus pressure. Skin under my eyes and my eye lids are red and swollen. My eyes themselves and the surrounding skin burns like fire. So I called closest allergist and got me in today. I thought I had a summer cold till my eyes went crazy.
Oh goodness, I hope they figure out what's wrong. My fiancé son has to work outside and his whole eyes swell up around hay season and he can't breathe. We have to occasionally go get him some Claritin D because they have reached their limit (only take one a day) because of the druggies around here :glare:

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