What's for dinner Wednesday, December 23rd?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
Wow, guess everyone is still busy shopping and baking!

I am kind of hoping we might go out for dinner, which is a tradition on December 24th, but DH is working.

If not, I will pull something out of the freezer.

What is everyone else having for dinner tonight?
Okay, DH found out that Dad and I were going to have pizza for dinner tomorrow, seeing as he is working and can't eat it anyway. So, in the midst of my final baking (which now will continue into tomorrow), I was making gluten free crust and making him his own ham & pineapple pizzas. The he proceeded to get sick (thinks he got some gluten at lunch) and couldn't eat his pizza, poor thing. So I will pack it up for him to heat up at work tomorrow.
I went to a Christmas party this afternoon and ate nibblies all afternoon so I didn't make any supper here at all. I think Ken and Kate had some pizza.
jake cooked me leftover lo-mein. the noodles were smushy, they were undersauced, oily, & i only got like 4 pieces of meat/seafood from a bowl.
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