What's on the plate 8/18/10?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Apr 5, 2009
I have chicken or pork. I may flip a coin! LOL

How about you?
Good morning everyone,

msmofet . . . your dinner photo from yesterday looked so delicious . . . the steak looked like it was grilled to perfection.

Not sure about dinner yet, but I have some browned chopped beef in the freezer that I can make into an italian meat sauce over pasta, or go a different route and make a pot of chili. We'll see what everyone wants when they wake up.

Enjoy the day!
Good morning everyone,

msmofet . . . your dinner photo from yesterday looked so delicious . . . the steak looked like it was grilled to perfection.

Not sure about dinner yet, but I have some browned chopped beef in the freezer that I can make into an italian meat sauce over pasta, or go a different route and make a pot of chili. We'll see what everyone wants when they wake up.

Enjoy the day!
Thank you Littlechef!!
Salisbury steak for the family. I am making some of it ahead of time so that they won't have to do much. I am having bean and rice burritos at work.
My Daughter made dinner & it turned out wonderful if not healthy:
Mac & Cheese with tuna & peas added topped with crumbs.

Not feeling well so my daughter made dinner & it turned out wonderful if not healthy:

Mac & Cheese with tuna & peas added topped with crumbs.

Love all the photos you post msmofet! The mac & cheese looks very good!

We had pork chops and Boxed mac n cheese tonight.
Love all the photos you post msmofet! The mac & cheese looks very good!

We had pork chops and Boxed mac n cheese tonight.
Thank you NA!!

I just noticed that the pic was posted twice. Not sure why that happened.
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