What's your Food Mood Wednesday 11th?

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Certified Cake Maniac
Moderator Emeritus
Feb 22, 2007
The Great "Wet" North
I bought a pile of ground beef on sale yesterday at the market. I have been grinding my own for while now and was a little hesitant but this looked really nice and was a good price.

I am going to make meatloaves for a family who are grieving right now and we will have some burgers on the grill. I think I will make a Caesar salad to go with it and it is too hot to fry chips so we will have kettle chips.

What's your menu looking like?
I've a mountain of veggies from the garden...so will probably make a huge stir-fry. Not sure if I'll toss in some chicken or pork. I might just go with veggies and brown rice.

Had prepared Kylie´s Ricotta & Chicken Pasta Recipe. Delightful.

Dinner: since I am leaving Friday for Puglia, I am meeting friends for a bite out ...

Have nice evening.
French dip sandwiches with provolone, & Giardiniera (from the market) on the side. Fresh strawberries for dessert.
Something with chicken. Since I bought a bunch of hamburger on sale over the weekend for the lasagna marathon, we've had some version of ground beef for the past few days. Thinking of baking chicken with my parm/bread crumb mix breading. Maybe asparagus and salads. The other option would be leftovers. The fridge is getting kind of full.
Cobbling something together from ground beef, okra, and other stuff. May use some sesame noodles as a side.

Looking forward to tomorrow when the local farmers' market starts up. Fresh fruits and veggies!
i think I am in the mood for mashed potato and one of those big fat juicy hot dogs you buy in special butcher shop, the ones that are not available at grocery store, with a side of a pickle, or better yet pickled tomato, with a nice crussty slice of bread.
Don't ask me why.
We had hash brown potatoes, baked beans and hot dogs wrapped in bacon. For dessert we had whoopie pie with lemon filling and powdered sugar on top.
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Were will have angel hair pasta, home made gravy and grilled Italian sausages, a green and a fruit salad the green one has avocado,thin sliced sweet onion, croutons, tomatoes from the garden, peas and sauteed mushrooms,garlic bread dessert will be a cherry pie
I had a "dab" of ham cubes in the freezer and some tiny asparagus from the garden that needed to be used up so I went to my friend Epicurious and found this. I did have to do some tweaking because I didn't have any celery, so I subbed celery seed. Otherwise, everything was pretty close to the recipe. Wow! Even with my alterations it was fantastic. Can't wait to try it with the "real" ingredients.

We had a platter of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers from the garden, too, and iced tea to drink. We finished the last of the blackberry cobbler for dessert.
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I've a mountain of veggies from the garden...so will probably make a huge stir-fry. Not sure if I'll toss in some chicken or pork. I might just go with veggies and brown rice.
Changed my mind--made beef and smoked oysters in black bean sauce, used Swiss Chard to make the wraps. This was one of my go-to dishes when I was a lot younger. Hadn't made it for awhile...really tasty with the garden fresh peas and chard.
Grilled chicken breast seasoned with a proprietary blend of herbs and spices. Grilled baby zucchini halves. Served with steamed barley.

We just tossed together a beef and mushroom gravy dish served over mashed taters. I had a kitchen cart to assemble, so dinner was kinda an after thought, but it was good.
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