This Place Is On My List

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Andy M.

Certified Pretend Chef
Sep 1, 2004
SO has Fridays off for July and August so we are looking at day trips to place we like.

Portland Maine is on the list for a destination. I was exploring the restaurant scene there (it's a big restaurant town) and came across this: Duckfat Restaurant - Portland, Maine

I think I'll have to stay overnight so I can go back. Duck fat fries, poutine, confit, sausage and more.

Double up on the Lipitor and put the EMTs on retainer, I'm coming.
SO has Fridays off for July and August so we are looking at day trips to place we like.

Portland Maine is on the list for a destination. I was exploring the restaurant scene there (it's a big restaurant town) and came across this: Duckfat Restaurant - Portland, Maine

I think I'll have to stay overnight so I can go back. Duck fat fries, poutine, confit, sausage and more.

Double up on the Lipitor and put the EMTs on retainer, I'm coming.
i'd fly over for that,but i think the dvt would get me on the flight back:ohmy::yum:!
I have never tried anything cooked in duck it really tasty?
ohhhhh yessssss!! duck fat or goose fat roast potatoes:yum:!!cassoulet with the sausage & meat browned in either:yum::yum:!! all "to die for" & you probably would if you ate too much of it but,you know what they say k,"a little of what you fancy does you good";)!!
Ha ha guys (you know who you are) :LOL:

I do tend to get excited over the smallest things
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