Anything left in the garden to pick??

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Master Chef
Dec 25, 2006
Long Island, New York
Here in new york, Im making stuffed grape leaves today, so I went out in the garden, picked a nice bunch of parsley and scallions. I also noticed that the tomatillos that i thought would not get to full size, actually did. So I picked a bunch and will make Salsa verde tomorrow. The chard is still ok and some beets. Oh yeah, the jerusalem artichokes are extremely abundant, now I just have to figure out what to do with them . Other than this, the only thing I have left is to plan for next year.
Sounds like you have lots! I have a few green onions, a few carrots, and one sick-looking lettuce plant (it froze).
We just picked the last of the green peppers, green tomatoes, and Anaheim peppers. We just planted onions, for green onions, since they'll be picked before they get to a reasonable onion size.

A lot of my herbs are perennials here, so I'll have them all winter. I do need to harvest the fennel, the rest of the basil, and some of the lemon grass. Tomorrow will be 70* again, but I'll need a flashlight since it will be dark by the time I get home.
my garden is history, turned it over the other day.
I do still have sage and oregano alive... also peppermint.
Boy I hope next year is better.
I can never grow brussel sprouts. I just dont have luck with them, Did u start them from seed ? or buy the plants in the cells ? and when did u put them in ?
first tiem growing them and got a decent amount so far from the 2 plants i planted.

I cant start anything from the seeds. I think i put them too deep. so i get them in the cells.

I actually planted the broccoli which did really well and awesome and super fast along with teh brussel sprouts in the begining of the spring. the sprouts where in the shadier area. so they didnt get burnt out.
Pulled my pepper and tomato plants about a week ago. Basil at the same time. I'll have a lot of herbs that are perennials and can use them at least to Thanksgiving. Beautiful Indian summer this week. I'm off Wed so will pull the rest of my annuals and get my Pansies out of the pots and into the ground for Spring color. So said to say goodbye to the growing season :-(
I picked the last of the green peppers and broccoli. I've still got brussel sprouts and carrots growing like crazy. I usually pick brussel sprouts through the end of November when the snow is flying. They're so much sweeter when the frost hits. I picked the last of the onions last week.

GRK - I bought Brussels sprouts from a farm stand. The farmer told me not to pick them untill after they freeze once or they will be bitter. Can't verify - Just heard it.

I'm still eating celery, parsley, green peppers, carrots, kale, collards, spinach, broccoli and cabbage. I will keep the carrots and spinach over the winter in the ground. The broccoli, kale, collards and cabbage will be good for several more weeks in the garden.

And I have a small boat load of sweet potatoes, onions, potatoes, and apples stored about the house
I just picked the last five eggplant in the garden this morning and I think there are still about a dozen jalopenos left which I'll pick tommorow.
GRK - I bought Brussels sprouts from a farm stand. The farmer told me not to pick them untill after they freeze once or they will be bitter. Can't verify - Just heard it.


I mentioned that in my earlier post. They're not really bitter before hand, but they do get sweeter if the frost hits. I've been growing brussel sprouts for over 10 years and that has always been the case.


at what point should i pick them?

some of the bottom leaves died off and I still got a nice size ball up top.

they are about 2.5 - 3 feet hgh

at what point should i pick them?

some of the bottom leaves died off and I still got a nice size ball up top.

they are about 2.5 - 3 feet hgh

After the frost you can pick them any time. I like them on the smaller size. Once the leaves die off they seem to grow larger. You can even pull off some of the bottom leaves to have them grow larger faster. Mine just keep on growing. lol I usually pick mine when there is enough for a meal. I don't happen to like them when they get larger and you have to cut them in half to cook them, just my preference. I just think they're sweeter the smaller they are. I'm talking 2-1/2 to 3 inches in diameter. I even eat them raw straight from the plant. HTH

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