A question on rice.

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
are you particular on what kind of rice you use. I have a recipe that calls for basmati rice. But what I have on hand is white rice. So I am debating whether or not I should use it in place of the balsamic rice. But let's say all I had was brown rice. Would you use that instead of the basmati rice?
I use long grain white rice for most cooking. Not a huge fan of brown rice. Basmati has a distinctive flavor but you can sub white rice for it. The same can be said for Jasmine rice which is popular in Chinese recipes.
Think it really depends on the recipe.
I usually have all 4 on hand, but if not I just grab whatever is available, with the exception of brown, like Andy I'm not particularly a fan, plus I think it is too strong for a delicate recipe.
I use two types of rice I use all the type.
Jasmine as an all purpose rice which I use for just about everything.
I use brown rice with soups and chili.
I will also on few occasions use Success par-cooked rice for things that call for using uncooked rice such as stuffed peppers and stuffed cabbage.
I exclusively used Basmati for Indian. Although other whites rices can be substituted since most are like a blank slate in flavor, basmati definite has a distinct flavor that , in my opinion, will enhance most Indian dishes.

I also use Jasmine for Asian dishes ( and as an all purpose too for other things).

I like wild rice mixtures, as they can kinda stand a lone as a side dish ( with a few tweaks or additions here and there depending on what your having for dinner)
I always use basmati for Indian food, just like Larry. There´s no comparison to the delicious fragrance and texture.
I use Carnaroli for risottos, which I like even better than Arborio (which seems to be more available)
I´ve yet to learn how to make sushi, but if I had, I´d look for Sushi rice because of its glutinous texture.
Otherwise, it´s long grain for me.
I use a brown basmati for pretty much everything. I buy a Lundberg organic rice grown in california, to avoid the arsenic of rice grown in the southern US. I also avoid completely white rice due to it's lack of fiber and refined carbohydrates.
I also like wild rice, which is really a grass seed. I'm all in favor of grass seed. lol
I always use basmati for Indian food, just like Larry. There´s no comparison to the delicious fragrance and texture.
I use Carnaroli for risottos, which I like even better than Arborio (which seems to be more available)
I´ve yet to learn how to make sushi, but if I had, I´d look for Sushi rice because of its glutinous texture.
Otherwise, it´s long grain for me.

When making ' rice - specific' dishes ( like sushi or risottos), as mentioned above by Karadekoolaid, I will also seek out the appropriate rice for the dish ( Arborio or sushi rice ( which I get at my local Asian store under their recommendations )).
I really, really like brown basmati rice. We use it for everything. I buy it in 10 lb bags. I have quit buying any that isn't grown in South Asia. I find that the California basmati and the Texmati just don't have much, if any, basmati flavour. I don't think they age it enough, if at all. It isn't just a specific cultivar.

I was talking to a coworker who was from India. She said, "In India we have the world's best rice, basmati rice." I said, "I know. I have better - brown basmati." I brought her a small bag of organic, brown basmati rice, grown in India. She tried it and told me I was right and her husband agreed.
We've been buying a lot of pre-cooked/microwavable bags and bowls of rice lately.

It started with Korean white rice bowls (which sometimes only have Korean writing on them, so you have to look for a number somewhere to figure out how long to nuke them.) But now we also buy basmati and jasmine in pouches. Our favorite brand is Royal, but I'll also pick up Uncle Ben's Ready Rice on occasion.
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I usually have Basmati (Indian), Jasmine (Asian), Arborio (risotto), Valencia (paella), long grain white (Mexican), and sweet glutonous for Asian desserts.
My go-to for anything else is the Jasmine because I love the fragrance. Like some others, I'm not a fan of brown rice but I do usually have black rice on hand.

On the other hand, I rarely have any potatoes in the house.
I once got hold of 2 kgs of "Forbidden Rice". Absolutely divine - but I´ve never seen it again.
Anyone else tried it?
I try to use brown rice as often as possible. I like the flavor.

Me too. In fact, I only cook brown rice. I haven't cooked any other rice, unless I helped my mum in the kitchen by cooking Minute rice. That would have been a very long time ago and really don't remember if I did.
Hey, just a thought on black rice;.do any cultures make squid ink rice? Like you would with pasta?
Yes! That's exactly what my mind was tasting.

Could I trade you for a recipe, per chance?
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