Duck eggs vs. goose eggs

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Chef Extraordinaire
Jan 2, 2011
Rural Ottawa, Ontario
One of the guys I curled with has goose and duck eggs. I know that there was a thread about duck eggs recently--what about goose eggs? Anyone cook with those?
i've never been able to obtain a goose egg so i can't answer.

they run around the circle of ducks and sit down just too fast for me.

duck duck duck duck goose!
One of the guys I curled with has goose and duck eggs. I know that there was a thread about duck eggs recently--what about goose eggs? Anyone cook with those?

Seems to me a goose egg is bigger than a duck, but I'm not sure, never had either one.
It seems to me the duck eggs gave more lift...and I am guessing the goose eggs would be similar. I thought I'd get 1/2 dozen of each when I'm back from MN and see.
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