vanilla extract

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Assistant Cook
Apr 6, 2005
anyone know how to make it? and how to store vanilla beans?
Stuff tons of vanilla beans into a bottle full of vodka and store it in a cool dry place for weeks.

BTW, add some sugar, water and instant coffee and you'll get kahlua.
blah said:
anyone know how to make it? and how to store vanilla beans?

The extract? That'll probably cost a heck of a lot.

Store vanilla in a covered container. Never had a problem with that. Put some in you sugar and you'll have nice vanilla flavor in your coffee.

BTW, vanilla has surpassed saffron as the most expensive spice sometime early last year.

1. vanilla
2. saffron
3. cardamon

I not 100% sure if cardamon is #3...does anyone know?

Since you have are going to use 'em in that ice cream maker right? :)
vanilla extract is made by using vodka??

eric said:
The extract? That'll probably cost a heck of a lot.

Since you have are going to use 'em in that ice cream maker right? :)

yep its pretty mucht the only reason i bought the beans. and i bought the beans through ebay so i got like 12 for $10 or something like that.
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