ISO help freezing kale

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Chef Extraordinaire
Aug 19, 2004
My mountain
next monday i have to pull out a lot of kale because i'm having a retaining wall replaced at the back of the garden.

i was wondering if anyone has a good way to preserve kale, such as freezing it.

should i chop and blanch it first? what's the best way to freeze it in a block?

any other good way to preserve it?
You will need to blanch it for about 4 minutes, and then put it in ice water for about 8 minutes (I actually transfer it to a 2nd ice bath 1/2 through). I remove the ribs and chop first. Once chilled, you will want to spin it in a salad spinner, let it drain, and then roll it in a dish towel to remove as much excess water as possible. I pack it into cubes in an ice cube tray and then put the frozen cubes in ziplock bags. It is okay added to soup, pasta, but is not great as a side when frozen. I can't remember if I added any lemon juice or not--if I did, I added it to the ice water. I searched on the web last year for the best method, and that's what I recall. I have brought kale plants in and over wintered could try doing that as well.
I do it much like CW but never understand the ice cube thing. I just freeze in a ziplock and break off however much I need. But a sh*tload of kale translates into not that much after it's blanched and chopped.

I have kale and chard from the garden in the freezer like this
Lol love the name Jenny ... Which serial number are you? I'm # 5,134,677 ... Haha !

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