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I didn't think you could make it. I know you can flavour it, but I don't think you can create it.
you can buy the vinegar crocks from sur la table...there are starters and directions on the web. You'll either form your own 'mother' , or you can get a starter from someone. I think home beer supply places have the stuff. Go online, there's lots of info out there. I was going to try to make my own white wine vinegar, and looked around my kitchen and decided I didn't want anymore stuff on the counter, no matter how lovely it was!
All you need to make vinegar is a 'mother culture' and something alcoholic. The acobater (SP) bacteria will convert the alcohol to acetic acid. You can then blend it done to the strength you want/need.

Just about any alcohol will work, beer, wine, champagne, even diluted vodka or everclear (Not full strength, it'll kill the mother culture).

I've actually wanted to try this for a while, but being a home beer and winemaker, I dont want that horribly infectious vinegar culture anywhere near my brewery for fear that I'd end up with about 100 gallons of vinegar!! :shock:

I have a small oak cask that I might make it in out in the garage next summer.

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