How I Cook Rice

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Apr 3, 2008
Australia since 2007
Rice is the normal food in South China. We like rice a lot. I must have some rice each day. When I just come to Australia, I had not bought my rice cooker so I used a small saucepan to cook rice. At Christmas, a good friend gave me a new, modern rice cooker, which I posted to Australia. My electric rice cooker has arrived!! It is much easier to cook now.

There are two main varieties of rice: long rice and short & fat (like my husband). Long rice is used mainly for fried rice because when it is cooked it separates easily. Short rice is stickier and is used with a main meal, sushi, congee (congee, uses more water than this recipe and is cooked longer until it turns into a gruel)

Use saucepan to cook rice
Ingredients: Two cups of rice, two cups of water.

Preparation: Wash the rice, put water in (a good test is to place your hand flat on the rice and the water should just cover your hand).

Cook: Turn the stove element to high if electric, or turn gas ring to full. Bring the water to the boil with a lid on, take off the lid, leave to cook until water has evaporated (you can see when it has evaporated enough when it is just visible at the top of the rice. At that point, you have evaporated all the water covering the rice, but the rice is still in water), put back the lid and turn the stove to low, gas (low flame). Leave the saucepan on the element or gas ring for 15 minutes. Turn off the stove. Wait for another 5 minutes. You may have a thin layer of hard rice on the bottom of the pan, this is considered the best part in China and there is usually a family fight to see who eats it.

Now ready, you can eat.

Use rice cooker
Ingredients: Two cups of rice, two cups of water

Preparation and Cook: Wash the rice, place in the rice cooker, put the water in, turn on the cooker as per the instructions.

You can rest or prepare the meal until cooker tells you the rice is ready.
That is why I ‘love’ my electric rice cooker.

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