Broken bones

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Chef Extraordinaire
Oct 17, 2004
:(No not the chickens, my youngest daughters’.

Bunch of kids were playing, claiming on the table. Well, with my luck first my son puts him self in danger by walking away from school, now my daughter fell of that table and broke her arm in two places. In two places, elbow and the bone that goes up, not sure what it’s called. To quote the doctor “as far as elbow brakes goes, this is as bad as gets”. It happened Friday night, and I just now got home, my wife went in. G-d willing everything will be ok; they will let her go home tomorrow. I have to say she was a real trooper. You could see that she was in pain but she did not complain or cry. She had to stay in bad the whole day. That alone would drive me crazy. No TV either. She kept saying “I wish I did not claim on that table.” Coming from 4 year old who is visibly suffering from pain, just broke my hart. Of course my wife told me after we left for hospital; my son came and told her that wished that it was him to get hurt, rather than her. How am I going to get mad at him now? I did not have chance to come up with punishment for him, for his misbehavior. Gosh I hope she is going to be ok. Well, I’m going to cry right now. I’m getting to be an old and sentimental.
Ah Charlie, go ahead and cry, there is nothing wrong with tears..They clean the soul...Then just hold your daughter and your son and let the world go by...Just be happy there is nothing wrong that cannot be fixed or healed. Kids rebound so fast..They get hurt and bawl like crazy,scaring you to death and before you can recover they are up and playing again...Give them both a hug and kiss and they will be fine..Relax daddy, you and mom are all they need right now.
Charlie, be sure to let your son get it all out. He must be feeling terrible, blaming himself far more than you ever could. Good thought going out to your whole family. Luckily, at four, kids heal well, better than ever, these days.
It sounds like you have a very brave daughter.
Give both kids extra hugs tonight.

smiles, T
Oh, Charlie, you've had some adventures the last several days. Children are resilient and bounce back better than we can imagine. Just hug your children and live through the healing process. Buck and I have "been there; done that." With 5 children, the adventures are rich and plentiful.
Aw that poor girl Charlie. In time she will be fine. Broken bones mend. Believe me I know.
Keep your chin up. She's a strong little girl that's for sure.
I know, thank you guys. I guess I've been very lucky and very spoiled. Non of my 5 kids ever had broken bones. I hope it stays that way, I hope they will always be healthy. Thank you.
Charlie, I'm so sorry she got hurt. That is awful. How about telling your son he is responsible for making sure your daughter gets whatever she needs? That would serve the dual purpose of giving him a consequence and helping out your daughter. Not to mention it will help get rid of any guilt he feels over the whole thing.
Man....... and before the holidays-----everyone's right--she'll be ok in no time and look at the extra attention she's getting---I also agree with Alix in letting your son "be the man" and take care of her little errand needs and play games with her.....with 5 kids and this is the first broken bone in your family you're sitting on a pretty cloud!! Hang in there, Papa!
:)Charlie,your little girl is mending by the minute.Be grateful she is home in time for Christmas OPPS I mean Channuka and that is wasn't something worse.
Charlie, I know it makes you sick at your stomach. First with my son when he was about five - wrist - fell just as we were leaving for daughter's wedding. He didn't seem to be too hurt but we wound up leaving the reception and having the bones set. It hurt but today at 21 he doesn't even really remember.

Granddaughter last year at six was a different story - constantly climbing, off the back off the back of he sofa onto carpet. Arm again. She doesn't climb so much anymore.

Your daughter will be ok my friend, just pain both you and her for a few days. And no, God's help doesn't hurt!
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well, she's home now. after putting on the cast she came home, hurt, but in a good spirit. She is a sleep now and we'll have to be carefull and watch all kind of little things. I'm sure she'll be fine much sooner than I will. I am yet to face the grandmothers, we are in big trouble with them, oh my...
Charlie my heart goes out to you and your family. Poor sweet little girl....but remember, she's young and thank goodness will heal quickly. Give your son an extra hug from me...poor guy....not good to walk around with guilt.
So sorry to hear about your little one's accident, Charlie. Good to know she's back home & on the mend. Nothing wrong with being sentimental. Hope this (new baby) Panda Cam will make you all smile & lift your spirits. (Watch during daylight hours to view.)

San Diego Zoo Exhibit: Panda Cam at the Giant Panda Research Station

Here is a Time Lapse video.

Panda Cam at

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