Cross your fingers, please

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Unfortunately, the interview didn't happen today. Will have to reschedule. Lady had to leave on emergency. Thank you all though, it will carry over when the interview does happen!!
As if interviews aren't stressful enough, to reschedule is just plain cruel!! Will keep my fingers crossed til you tell me different-but it's getting awfully hard to type!!:LOL:
Maybe this is a good thing Stacy. It will give you more time to research the company.

We're still praying for you.

Hi Stacy - Bqrbara L makes a good point. If you have not already done this, research the company. If they have a website, go there and read it carefully. That way you go in with knowledge of tham and can tailor your presentation to them. Google the names of the Doctors. Look for good and bad. Google the company name and see what that turns up.

Again, Knock 'em dead

A hint, the impression is made in the first five seconds! A bad first impression is almost impossible to overcome. Chin up, smile, relax - you are the one! - don't fidgit or look around, don't be carrying extra stuff, eye contact, smile, decisive in your answers especially as to why you want This Job!
You will get it done Stacey!
Good Luck Stacy, I was in your position 3 months ago. Be honest in your answers. Don't say something just because you think that's what they want to hear. If they ask you if you know something and you don't say you don't, but your eager to learn everything they can teach you.
My fingers are crossed for you, please keep us informed
wow, thank you all!! I will let you know as soon as it is rescheduled. I'm just glad that they called me before I drove out there and wasted fuel:)

Maybe this is a good thing Stacy. It will give you more time to research the company.

We're still praying for you.


The company is confidential and is not listing their name, only requirements and fax. I did a reverse on the fax and it didn't come up with the company, so, I don't know who it is yet. The caller id on my phone even said out of area:wacko:
ahhh.. but, did they give you an address for the interview yesterday Stacy?
How far is it away from home? Is it worth driving by to find out who they are?
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