Do you have "ICE" on your mobile phone?

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Chef Extraordinaire
Moderator Emeritus
Sep 13, 2010
near Montreal, Quebec
ICE stands for In Case of Emergency. It's a way of letting emergency responders/medical people know who to contact, if you aren't capable of telling them.

I have done this for years, but how will they find it, since my new phone is screen locked?

Today I discovered that it is possible. I have a Samsung Galaxy S III. It has a group called "ICE". I added my husband, sister, and M-I-L to the group.

Well, when the screen is locked and showing a keypad to enter the code, there is a button labelled "emergency call". If I click that, there is a keypad and and one of the buttons has an icon of a person and an emergency flasher. If I click that button, it brings up my ICE list!

So, check your phone and see if you can do this.
I don't keep my phone locked, so couldn't tell you if the emergency call shows up or not, but it came with ICE already in my contacts to add the numbers to.
I don't keep my phone locked, so couldn't tell you if the emergency call shows up or not, but it came with ICE already in my contacts to add the numbers to.
I lock mine 'cause I don't want to bother signing in and out of Google stuff all the time. It also helps prevent bum/pocket dialing.
I don't keep my phone locked, so couldn't tell you if the emergency call shows up or not, but it came with ICE already in my contacts to add the numbers to.

Ditto .. I see no need to "lock" my phone.

The reality is if I need to get a phone call made in a hurry the last thing I want to do is fiddle around with some secret code.

I've had to made super fast calls to family members in the past and having to "unlock" a phone would have been a really bad thing.

And ICE is on my phone - I think it's a great idea that they began doing this several years ago.
I don't even like having to swipe the face of my phone to unlock the screen, let alone entering a PIN afterwards. This phone doesn't pocket dial, but I've had phones in the past that would and that's not good.

I always wondered though how a paramedic would know how to unlock all the phones that are out there to check your ICE. That's interesting.
ICE sounds like a good feature to have.
My dumbphone doesn't have such bells and whistles.
I reckon one of these days I will make the leap to modernity.
ICE sounds like a good feature to have.
My dumbphone doesn't have such bells and whistles.
I reckon one of these days I will make the leap to modernity.
What people did before smart phones was just to list their ICE contacts in their contact list something like this:
ICE: Suzy, sister
ICE: Tom, husband
On my dumb phone, the first contact is ICE. If you select that, you see a list of names and numbers to call.
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