Dumbest things I Ever Did

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Chief Longwind Of The North

Aug 26, 2004
This is a confessor thread about the most foolish thing you've done, with your spouse, or your best friend, or even you kids. Though I've done my share of less than nice pranks, my dumbest was unintentional.

My wife was going somewhere with her mother. It was many years back so I don't remember wher they were going. I just know that she was dressed up and it was a warm summer's day in San Diego. As they left with my wife in the passenger's seat, I had a squeeze container of some sort, filled with water. Of course I just had to squeeze out that water at the car. I was aiming at the windshield and figured the car windows were rolled up. Unfortunately, they weren't. And my timing was off. My wife, in her dressy clothes, caught ninety-nine percent of that water, right in the face. She started hollering to her mom ; "Turn this car around, right now!" Thanfully, her mother had the good sense to keep going, and as related years later to me by my DW, said; "No, you're just too upset right now. I don't think your husband need to see you until you cool off a little. Your clothes will dry...." I believe that sweet lady saved my life that day.:LOL:

There have been other things as well. I was a teenager and I and my best friend were working on our motorcycles. We had to empty the gas tanks for what we were doing. So I started to syphon the gas from my tank. Of course my friend did something to make me laugh and I caught a mouthful of gas, which I promptly spit out. He thought it very funny. I didn't. fortunately, I have very fast reflexes and so didn't swallow any of the leaded gasoline. So I made him siphone the gas.

He told me to leave the garage though, before he would siphon the gas. So I left and waited around the corner. I estimated the time that it would take for him to put the hose in the tank and start sucking gas through it. Unfortunately, my timing was too perfect. I purposely started laughing, hoping that he would catch a mouthful. Not only did he catch amouthful, but swallowed about half a cup of gasolinel. He had to go to the hospital and get his stomach pumped, and then ingest a bunch of activated charcoal. He was Ok. But I sure felt bad about it all.

Oh the foolish things we do in the name of fun and frivolity.

Your turn.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
Ok, not the dumbest things you ever did, but the most innocent, stupid thing. Come on guys and gals. I can't be the only one here with a funny story from the past, maybe a prank gone wrong. For instance, I worked with a fellow shipmate who was in a squadron rather than being ship's company. He was temporarily assigned to the Electronics shop that I worked in while his squadron was between cruises. Unlike ship's company (people assigned to a ship or shore station) squadrons purchased the steel-toed shoes required as part of our uniforms. This good friend had just had his brand new steel toed shoes given to him by his squadron. He hadn't even had a chance to try them on yet. He was crowing about how he got his thirty dollar shoes for free (in 1970's dollar value), and how I had to pay for my own shoes. So, when he was absorbed in fixing a circuit board, I took one of his shoes and hid it, prepared to see him frantically looking for it at the end of the ship. After an expected good laugh, at his expense, the plan was for me to give him back his missing shoe. Unknown to me, the garbage can I had hid his shoe in had been emptied, and the shoe was long gone. I had to purchase the guy a new pair of shoes, or full price of course. The joke was on me.

Now you can't tell me that you have never pulled a harmless prank that just went wrong, especially on a love one or good friend. If you've never stepped out of a dark corner and said Boo! to a sister or brother, and almost made them wet their pants, well then, you're just not normal. And if you've never been scolded for a practical joke that turned impractical, then you're just not human. At least I've never known anyone who hasn't done something that was supposed to be harmless, that went askew.

Seeeeeya; Goodweed of the North
My husband did so many dumb things growing up that he should not even be alive (like riding his bike down a hill, looking another direction, running into a fortunately stopped semi truck and trailer--head hit the trailer, bike went under), so I could fill a thread with that stuff, but I will tell mine. It doesn't come close to yours GW, but I felt so bad about it!

I was playing tennis in high school P.E. I am short and at the time was 104 pounds, but I have always had pretty powerful arms and legs. The girl I was playing against was having pictures taken that afternoon. A couple volleys into the game, it came to me so perfectly, and I hit that ball for all it was worth. It flew HARD and STRAIGHT--into my opponent's EYE.

As far as dumb family things, I will have to get back to you on that. LOL
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