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Chief Longwind Of The North

Aug 26, 2004
I just had a twelve year old young man come over for the sole purpose of learning new cooking skills. We made maple-butter glazed carrots. He was showed three knives, my 10 inch chef's knife, my daughter's 8 inch ceramic chef's knife, and a SS santoku. All were sharp. He got the chance to slice the carrots with all three. I showed him how to properly hold hte knives, chop or slice, depending on the knife used ,and how to hold the carrots to avoid cutting himself, and cut uniform slices. He also was show different ways to cut the carrots, bias sliced, or like coins, and the advantages of each cut. We then went over the differences in texture between boiled, steamed, and stir-fired carrots. He got to choose which cooking method to use, and how to achieve the semi-soft texture desired. I even showed him multiple ways to use the chef's knife to bias slice. And then, he chose to first steam the carrots to get the best texture and retain he natural carrot flavor. I gave him the pot and steamer, showed him the right burner setting, and how long it would take to bring two cup of water to a boil. I explained that he needed to start checking the carrots at 8 minutes, along with lifting the far side of the lid first to insure hot steam escaped away from him. He did everything right. I did have to tell him twice to curl his fingers back and tuck on the thumb while slicing.

We used ghee and pure maple syrup to glaze the carrots after they were cooked, adding a little of the syrup and butter at a time until he got the flavor he wanted.

He was excited with his success and gave me a big hug as he left for home.

That's a good day:mrgreen:

Seeeeya; Chief Longwind of the North
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