Grilled Sea....

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There was a rumor(?) a while back that they were making bay scalops actually out of the meat on a 'rays wing. So you might of had it and not even known.
They stopped "punching" scallops out of skate wings a long, long, long time ago - at least here in the U.S. Right around the time whole skate wings became more desirable on their own & just as pricey as scallops.

Plus - it's virtually impossible not to be able to tell a circle of skate wing from a scallop. Not only are the textures completely different - skate flakes away like flounder when cooked; scallops remain solid - but in this day & age, when fake or disguised foodstuffs are so in the news & punished so publicly, no fishmonger with at least 1/4 of a brain would deal with anyone trying to perpetrate this older than old fakery. The competition is too strong.
it's virtually impossible not to be able to tell a circle of skate wing from a scallop. Not only are the textures completely different - skate flakes away like flounder when cooked; scallops remain solid -
Not to mention that the fakes are all the same size and shape unlike the real deal.
It sounds like the guy in that article/blog got a ray that had been mishandled. When you catch ray or skate (two different creatures), you should immediately process it. You need to bleed it and clean it, then wash it and immediately chill it. If you don’t, uric acid can build up which breaks down into ammonia. When properly done, the flesh does have a subtle scallop like flavor.
agreed keltin. if you've ever had "day old" shark, you'll recognize the ammonia smell.

skate wings are delicious, especially korean style. and they make a great soup!
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