Having trouble making sense of 2018?

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Executive Chef
Sep 6, 2017
Las Vegas
Dave Barry will help you understand in his annual The Year in Review.

Remember people, this is comedy, not political, and whatever political stance you take, I’m sure you’ll find something in this to make you chuckle.

The Year in Review

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I will never make sense of 2018, the worst year of my life.

Mine too. I lost one of my dogs to lung cancer, of all things. Three months later, my life partner of 28 years passed away from liver cancer. Then three months after that on December 11th, my doctor tells me I have a fatty liver, which scares the beejeezus out of me, especially having just lost someone to an awful liver disease. And that's only part of it, but definitely the worst of it.

2018 can kiss my backside.
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Love Dave Barry! I used to get his Miami Herald (?) column delivered to my email addy years ago. He's a kinder, gentler satirist than some out there, so he's always an enjoyable read. This one was a bit long, but I powered through and stuck it out to the end. :LOL: Thanks for sharing, JJ.

I'll venture a guess that you did not read the linked article...:rolleyes:
I have good health and good family, I must be lucky, but you never know what's around the corner. I count my blessings.

I enjoy Dave Barry.
2018 was an absolute horror for me, 2019 has GOT to be better.
I enjoy Dave Barry.
2018 was an absolute horror for me, 2019 has GOT to be better.

One can only hope. No matter how bad things may seem, they could always be worse. I just don't want it to get any worse.

I'm very thankful I have my son. If it weren't for him, I'd have probably lost my mind by now.

According to the Dave Barry article, 2018 has definitely been a rollercoaster ride.
I doubt 2019 is going to get less roller-coaster-y for many people.

My son said something the other day that made me very proud of him.

As the self proclaimed conservative constitutional originalist Republican thst he is (I have no idea how that happened), I was surprised when he said at dinner, "I wish America could be more like the 60s, but with real civil rights and less drugs for all."

My only response was that the only time that I've ever seen that was in the months after 9/11/01.

My hope for 2019 is that we realize again we're in this together.

Stop with the political correctness, the passive aggressiveness, and the I wanna be equal so long as I'm first attitudes.

Be about us; about what you can do for others without looking for credit.
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