Just scrape off the top layer.....

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VeraBlue said:
I'd be more than happy to share the recipe if you care to have it. The option of burning down the kitchen is yours, of course, and the cake can be successfully completed without the flames:-p
Yum! I'd love to see that recipe too. Sounds deeelish. I'm terrible at cheesecakes though. Mealy are usually my results.
Ayrton said:
Maribel Morgan, move over?! I'll bet he made you a drink! You are The Total Woman reincarnated, VeraBlue. Apologize to the rest of us who you make look like we just stepped off the pages of Taming of The Shrew, but for heaven's sake, not to Lou. You do him proud from what I read!

Just sign me --
An Admirer In Athens

What a nice thing to say!! thank you!
I believe he is quite the proud gent, indeed. Life is quite wonderful here...I'd love for you to come visit!:flowers:
ChefJune said:
Holy Smokes, Vera! (cannot believe no one has said that before!) :LOL: :LOL:

I'm surely glad all's well that ended well....

Yes, the cocktails were wonderful!!!:angel:
buckytom said:
and vb, i agree with ayrton, for being so lady-like and deftly handling your paramour.

I like to think we handle each other:-p...hehehe

I have to clean the inside of my oven too. It's self cleaning, but it's been so warm lately that I hate to heat up the house, you know..?
Andy M. said:
So, Vera Blue, this was all a plan to bring attention to Fire Prevention Month?!?!?!

I am more than ready to accept credit when even undue me....but this public service announcement was not my intention! I just wanted to get in the shower so I would be presentable in time for cocktails! hahahaha

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